The Bookshelf

Addendum: My Wrinkle in Time Essay

I’ve been thinking that perhaps someone out there might want to read the essay I mentioned in the previous post. It’s no big deal, really, but I think it’s pretty good considering that I banged it out in about an hour yesterday afternoon. It’s a basic high school English type of thing, but that’s partly why I enjoyed writing it so much. It was exercise for a part of my brain that’s been slumped in a corner, staring at the wall and drooling for a long time now, and after a few preliminary stretches, I found that the workout felt very good.

Anyhow, for your reading pleasure and in the name of the on-going obsession with nostalgia that is Simple Tricks and Nonsense, here is:

Conformity vs. Individuality and Personal Responsibility in L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time


Rediscovering Childhood

This morning I applied for a Marketing and Communications (MarCom) position with a private school, which I won’t name in order to protect the innocent — namely me. That’s neither here nor there as far as you folks in InternetLand are concerned, but here’s the interesting thing: instead of the usual request for samples of my previous work, I was asked to compose a short essay about a favorite childhood story and the values expressed by it. This assignment presented an interesting challenge. To be frank, I really don’t have a favorite childhood story, at least not one that immediately came to mind. So what the hell was I going to write about?


Scan-a-Book The First

From the “And Now for Something Completely Different” Department, Simple Tricks and Nonsense is pleased to present its very first guest speaker: Mr. Ron Safsten, editor-at-large (ret.).
