Star Wars

Leia’s Summer Job?

Leia gets a job at Hot Dog on a Stick

I have no idea what the heck this image is all about, or why I find it so weirdly appealing. And yet… I cannot look away. And it brings a mystified smile to my face. And I think I’m suddenly craving a corn dog.

You gotta wonder how Carrie Fisher feels about being the focal point for a whole mess of bizarro nerd fetishes. Do you suppose if she had the chance to do it all again, she’d tell Uncle George she didn’t want to be in his movies after all, because she just couldn’t face the long decades ahead knowing that one day there would be a photoshopped pin-up of her in a Hot Dog on a Stick uniform?


Status Updates in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

This either speaks to the utter banality and base immaturity of the average conversation on social-networking sites, or it serves to craft an endearingly human side to beloved but admittedly two-dimensional characters. Or something. Whatever is going on here, it makes me laugh:

Facebook brings out the worst in everyone.

There are a few more here


To My Well-Intentioned Friends Who Keep Sending Me the Links

Yes, I am aware of that 70-minute video review of The Phantom Menace that’s currently making the rounds of the InterWebs. (io9 has helpfully aggregated the various YouTube chapters into a single, convenient location, if you didn’t know.)

No, I don’t have much to say about it.

The truth is — and I hope I don’t sound like too much of a dick here, because I know you guys are just trying to do me a friendly favor, and I really do appreciate the thought — I’m not interested in yet another snarky takedown of the Star Wars prequels, especially one that requires over an hour of my busy life to watch. Honestly, it’s been ten years since The Phantom Menace came out, and five years since I realized I was tired of talking about the prequels. I simply can’t imagine there’s anything left to be said about them in general, or The Phantom Menace in particular.

Look, I get it; the movie failed on any number of levels and that made a lot of people feel foolish for getting so excited about it in the first place. And a not-inconsiderable subset of fanboys have allowed their frustrated expectations to fester into white-hot anger and a deep conviction that George Lucas is and always was a no-talent hack who somehow hypnotized us all into loving his creations for decades and buying all the tie-in products we could get our hands on, but now the scales have fallen from some people’s eyes and they want their childhoods — not to mention all the money they’ve spent on collectibles — back. Fine. Whatever you say. Bored now.

Personally, I’m far more offended by Lucas’ stubborn disdain for the original trilogy than anything he did in the prequels. Or in Indy IV, for that matter. (I’m equally sick of hearing about CG monkeys and how Shia LaBeouf isn’t manly enough to satisfy the fanboys.) I guess I just have better things to bitch about these days…


The Best Bloggage of the Morning… So Far

With any luck, I’ll get around to writing an actual blog entry later today, but for now, let me share something that amused me this morning, from the always reliable Lileks:

It’s MEA weekend, which is when the schools close down for two days to have a convention, or a caucus, or go the Caribbean and talk smack about this year’s crop of brats, I don’t know. Don’t recall these when I was a kid, but things were so different in my day that the teaches not only smoked, but smoked indoors. They had a lounge off the cafeteria, and a blue fog rolled from it all day long. Any kid who went in there came out like a doughboy after the mustard gas rolled over the lip of the trench. That’s if you dared to go in there. I remember doing so once, and everyone stiffened. You would not have been surprised if the English teacher rose, held out his hands palm-first, and used repelling beams to drive you back.


Harold! You revealed your power!


I know, Rhoda, but he had violated our lair. It had to be so.

I always admire James’ skill at finding the perfectly evocative phrase, and the mental picture of my bald, bearded, bespectacled, and imperious AP English teacher Mr. Bridge firing repulsor beams from his hands at an interloping student… well, that’s something that’s going to stick with me for a while.

In other corners of the InterWeb today, I also enjoyed Scalzi’s appreciation of one of the coolest characters ever to grace the silver screen, the mighty Chewbacca. I knew from an early age that Chewie was nothing more than a tall, very thin man in a fur-covered suit, but unlike a lot of other cinematic aliens, I’ve always accepted him — even to this day — as exactly what he appears to be. I believe in Chewbacca in a way I don’t quite believe in, say, E.T., if that makes sense. For my money, Chewie and the monster from Alien are the two best-realized, most authentic non-human creatures ever put on film.

Finally, take a look at these amazing pictures taken just offshore from Sunset Beach in LA; I had no idea sharks leapt out of the water like dolphins…


So Very Wrong…

And yet, somehow, so very right… it’s Molly Ringwald in that inescapable slave-Leia outfit:

Actually, I can imagine Molly playing Leia if the original trilogy had been made just a couple years later. But then I’ve got a weird imagination that way. I’ve always thought Humphrey Bogart would’ve rocked as Han Solo, too…



Something to Look at on a Sunday Afternoon

Mark Hamill, about to get his ass kicked

I had an email waiting this morning from my buddy Mike — who, incidentally, was up way too late last night — containing a pretty entertaining link that I thought I’d share with my Loyal Readers. It’s a cache of behind-the-scenes photos from the filming of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

You may have seen some of these before; that infamous shot of Chewie getting fresh is here, as is one of the “glamour-girl” publicity stills of Carrie Fisher from the first movie. Some of the other photos on the linked page appear to be simply alternates of better-known images, or outtakes from the same sessions. (Compare this one, for example, to the more-familiar picture that appears on trading cards, posters, and the magnet I’ve got on my fridge door.) However, there are several photos in this collection that are new to me, as unlikely as that sounds. After all these years of being a stark-raving fanboy and collector of crap, I thought I’d seen pretty much every frame of film that was ever shot in connection with these movies. Being proven wrong is curiously satisfying.

I’m especially fond of the pics where people are just horsing around on the set, like the one above in which Mark Hamill appears to be about two seconds from getting an elbow in the ribs. I like seeing just how damn young our heroes really were, as well as the suggestion that making the original trilogy was a fun experience for them. I think it’s both telling and sad that you don’t see images like this from the making of the prequel trilogy. At least, I haven’t seen any…


If You’ll Just Get on Board…

My friend Karen points us today to a strange little website based on the following premise: “If we started a movie on the day you were born, and stretched it over your lifespan, this is where you’d be in that movie.”

You enter your birthdate and how long you expect to live, select your favorite movie from a list of well-known options, and the site will show you which scene in the film corresponds to the current moment of your life. My three loyal readers can, of course, guess which film I chose… it seems I’m right at the point where Han Solo is ushering his nervous passengers toward their ticket off Tatooine.

On the positive side, the really fun part of the movie is still ahead. Hopefully that says something about my life…


Unleash the Force Within You

Okay, so, you know those Axe body-spray commercials where some young guy with a bad haircut spritzes himself with cheap cologne-in-a-can and suddenly finds himself surrounded by horny females who seem to have lost all their higher reasoning functions? Yeah, I don’t get ’em either.*

I think this makes much more sense:

Ah, lightsabers. Is there nothing they can’t make cooler? Extra credit to the makers of this clip for throwing in a Wilhelm.
* Oh, come on, is there anyone over the age of 19 who doesn’t think that shit makes you smell like you just rubbed yourself down with one those tree-shaped air fresheners for your car?


Saturday Morning Star Wars Net Crap

Ever wonder what it might’ve been like if, instead of a hugely successful feature film, Star Wars had been a late-70s television series with a disco-flavored theme song? Sure you have:

For you younglings in the audience, the music and visual stylings of this piece are derived from the opening of Dallas, a primetime soap opera about rich, conniving, nasty people with better sex lives than you. Dallas led to the pinnacle (or nadir, depending on how you look at it) of ’80s television, Dynasty, which in turn begat Falcon Crest and god only knows how many lesser rip-offs.

I’m impressed at how well the Dallas theme and style works with Star Wars footage, and also amused that the creator of this mash-up included “the men in the masks” in the credits. Of course, in my world, the Death Star explosion doesn’t result in one of those lame “Praxis-effect” plasma rings, but that’s my grumpy-old-fanboy side speaking up again and we won’t indulge him today.

More fun stuff below the fold…


All Hail Our New Currency

The way the economy’s been lately, I wouldn’t be surprised if these end up being worth more than good old-fashioned dollars:

Starbuck by `diablo2003 on deviantART

They’re certainly cooler looking than U.S. greenbacks. The design was apparently created for a Star Wars convention that was held a couple years ago, according to the artist’s notes. I don’t know if it was ever actually printed in faux-currency form or not; if it was, I wouldn’t mind having a couple for my collection, so if anyone knows where I can get some, give a shout, okay?

Via Boing Boing, of course…
