Star Wars

Old Friends

Turning now from real-life heroes to fantasy heroes, yesterday the actor Mark Hamill — whom you may vaguely remember for a role he played in three somewhat obscure space-opera films made some 30 years ago — tweeted “It’s always great to catch up with a dear old friend!” as a caption for this photograph:

Presumably this was taken at the just-completed Star Wars Celebration VI convention in Orange County, California. It makes me happy.

That is all.


So How Much Has VW Paid Uncle George Anyhow?

Another Super Bowl commercial has slipped onto the Internet, this one being VW’s follow-up to last year’s wonderful “Vader Kid” spot, as well as to the “Bark Side” teaser that was released a couple weeks ago. The Star Wars connection isn’t immediately obvious, but when it comes, it’s a real pay-off:

Once again, it feels a little strange to realize how directly this is pitched at my specific demographic, how coldly calculated this ad must have been to so precisely push the buttons of we 40-something Gen-Xers. But whatever… it’s fun.


Netcrap: “The Bark Side”

Floating around the InterWebs today, this delightfully daffy VW commercial, apparently intended to be a teaser for something bigger during the upcoming Super Bowl broadcast:

I love the greyhound dressed as an AT-AT wandering in at the end. Last year’s VW Super Bowl spot was, of course, that sublime ad featuring a little kid in a Darth Vader costume trying to use the Force on various household objects. I don’t know what ad agency VW retains, but I wish I worked for them…


Ample Evidence

Earlier tonight, The Girlfriend and I were watching Return of the Jedi on Spike TV, part of that channel’s annual Labor Day weekend marathon of all the Star Wars movies, both original trilogy (revised editions, naturally) and prequels. We’re at the moment when Luke and Leia jump on a speeder bike and race off into the forest of Endor in pursuit of an escaping scout trooper. Han Solo has turned to yell something after them when the trooper he’s been fighting with reaches in from off-screen. An exasperated Han grabs the guy’s arm and judo-flips him onto the forest floor, where he finally lies still.

Anne: “I didn’t know landing on your butt could render you unconscious.”

Me: “Honey, I think we have ample evidence that stormtroopers keep their brains in their butts, don’t we?”

Get it? Because stormtroopers are so dumb and all. Well, we thought it was funny. Maybe you had to be there. Or maybe it’s just been a really long weekend. Hope you all had a good one, and an easy transition back to work tomorrow…


And Another One…

Again, from the Adventureblog Annex, a nifty pic of Han Solo killing time in Mos Eisley:

han-solo_western.jpgI love the feel of this, so much like much the opening credits of the old Wild, Wild West television series. I have no idea what’s happening in the background… looks like Chewie just set off a small tactical nuke. I don’t seem to recall that happening in any of the stories I know, but then I have been out of the Expanded Universe loop for a while.

The artist is a chap named Skottie Young, who apparently shares a blog with another gent named Scott Morse. Some interesting interpretations of many beloved characters over there. Give it a look, if you have time to kill this afternoon…


I’d Buy This Book

Nifty piece of artwork here by a cat named Phil Noto:

There are, of course, quite a few Star Wars tie-in novels that focus on everyone’s favorite Corellian smuggler pilot, but none sport a cover done in the style of classic 1960s pulp paperbacks, and that really is a shame, you know? As a lover of that era’s commercial illustration aesthetic, I almost wish my favorite movie had been made 10 years earlier. Yeah, I would’ve missed seeing it in the theaters and all, but just think of all the cool book covers that would’ve come out!

No? Okay, fine, I’ll just enjoy the post-modern retro-fantasy stuff then…

Incidentally, this came to my attention via Boing Boing. Naturally.


The Talk

I know this is supposed to be funny, and it is, but there’s a poignant little kernel of truth at the core of it, too. I can easily see myself grappling with these exact issues should I ever father a child…

Yes, the exact same issues. Times are different now, more complicated than when we were kids. Oh, how I can relate to this statement:

“We do not watch the Special Editions of the original trilogy in this house.”
