Memes and Quizzes


Stuff White People Like Meme, Part 1

So, there’s this blog called Stuff White People Like, which is just what it sounds like: a list of things that white people supposedly like. I’m assuming it’s meant to be a spoof playing off the usual stereotype of white folks being stuffy and terminally square, like when Eddie Murphy gives the black cop grief for how he says “a banana in the tailpipe” in Beverly Hills Cop. I’m assuming that’s what it’s meant to be because, apparently, I’m one of those stuffy and terminally square white folks who doesn’t quite get the joke. I don’t see how this site is funny, and I don’t think it really represents white people in general. It appears to be addressing a very specific type of white person, i.e., the urban, upper-middle-class, liberal white folks. What we used to call yuppies, back in the day. But I’m just being churlish and running off down a tangent…
Getting to the point, somebody took the full list of entries from this blog and bolded the items that she personally liked, just to see how her preferences corresponded to the generalizations, I suppose. SamuraiFrog in turn has decided this is a good beginning for a meme, so he grabbed the list and did the same. And seeing as how I’m such a sucker for good (and really long) meme-age, now I’m doing the same as well. So, without further ado, the bolded items are the stuff this white person likes. Your mileage may — and probably does — vary…


President’s Day Meme

Well, since it turns out that I’m spending my President’s Day holiday at home trying to cough up a yummy lung-fungus instead of doing something fun outside in the sunshine, how about Yet Another Memeā„¢? Here’s one from (who else?) Jaquandor:


iTunes Meme

And now for something completely unrelated to Indiana Jones (no doubt my Three Loyal Readers are rejoicing at those words), a meme stolen from Javi. It’s one of those musical memes that seemed to be so popular a few years ago, when iTunes and iPods were the hot new deal. Up until fairly recently, I’ve been unable to participate in these memes as I remained stubbornly iTunes-less, but I’ve finally been assimilated into the intangible music paradigm. Well, I’ve got iTunes on my home and work machines, anyhow; I still don’t have much motivation to shell out my hard-earned cubits for an iPod. But then I always have been a late adopter.

Anyhow, here’s the meme. It’s probably worth keeping in mind that these results come from the version of iTunes I have on my work computer, so it’s based on the very specific (and generally pretty mellow) handful of CDs I’ve bothered to bring into the office with me. Or maybe that doesn’t matter. I don’t know… either way, enjoy the useless trivia…


123 Meme

This kind of random, but here’s a meme I ran across somewhere in my blog-wanderings today that looked kind of fun. First up, the obligatory description of The Rules:

  1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
  2. Open the book to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the next three sentences.
  5. Tag five people.

Let’s proceed, shall we?
