Memes and Quizzes

Me, an Optimist? That’s… Unexpected

It’s been a pretty rough week for your humble blogger — actually it’s been a pretty rough month, not counting a welcome and very enjoyable visit last weekend from Cranky Robert. I’ve had lots of late nights at the office recently, followed by soul-searching train rides home, surrounded by the oddballs who ride public transit after the regular commuters have all gone and wondering just which decisions brought me to this place where I so often feel like I have no life. I don’t even feel like I have much of an online life, anymore — it seems like forever and a day since I wrote anything on this blog that was really worth reading. Or since I’ve done much of anything else that truly matters. Did you know I used to write fiction once, about a thousand years ago in the Before Times? I like to think I was fairly good at it, too…

In any event, this self-pity party is explanation as to why my blogging lately has consisted primarily of memes, lolcats, and girlie pictures, and why you’re getting yet another quiz-thing today instead of something more substantive. And this background may also explain why I found the results of the quiz — which I’ve seen at Puffbird’s, Kisintin’s, and Ilya’s blogs as well — somewhat baffling. I don’t think of myself as much of an optimist even in my happiest moments, which this bleary-eyed morning definitely is not…

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test…

HBPS – The Optimist

Humanity, Background, Big Picture, and Shape

You perceive the world with particular attention to humanity. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on humanity, you tend to seek out other people and get energized by being around others. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.

The Perception Personality Types:


Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

What do you folks think? Sound anything like me?


The Food Tasting Meme

One of the few things The Girlfriend and I ever seriously disagree about is what constitutes an edible meal (and, by extension, what we should have for dinner). She’s — how shall I say this? — very selective with what she will and will not eat, whereas I pride myself on being willing to give just about anything a go. But am I just fooling myself? Am I truly all that adventurous? Let’s find out!

Here’s a meme courtesy of Javi that does a pretty good job of evaluating the adventurousness of one’s previous eating experiences and — more importantly — the items that force you to draw the line:


Movies from Books Meme

I’ve missed out on a lot of intriguing memes lately because I haven’t had the time to comment on lengthy lists of stuff, so when I spotted a fairly short one over at SF Signal, I figured I’d better grab it. It’s about sci-fi movies based on books…

[Update: Looks like I was having a moment of extreme dumbness when when I posted this last night — instead of doing as the third rule asks and italicizing only the movie titles for which which I started the book but didn’t finish it, I italicized all of the titles. Because they’re titles and you’re supposed to italicize those. Doh! Anyway, they’re fixed now, if it matters to anyone…]


Wait, Doesn’t This Mean I Ought to Have Awesome Hair?

Your result for The What Middle Earth race do you belong to Test…


You’re an Elf! You scored low in size, high in morality, high in aggression and high in intelligence to get here. The first and favorite race created by the Valar, the Elves have been in Middle Earth for many ages, and are currently the only race allowed to join their creators in Valinor. Blessed with eternal life, enhanced senses, great beauty, wisdom and skill, the race of Elves still has several black marks on it. (Kinslaying, anyone?) But hey, no one is perfect, right? Of course not, but the Elves are damn close to it.
FYI, your polar opposite is the Troll.

Take The What Middle Earth race do you belong to Test at HelloQuizzy

That’s all cool and all, but seriously, where’s my long, silken hair that never tangles or gets messed up no matter how much orc blood just washed over it? I don’t recall seeing any balding elves…

Via Kisintin.


Puffbird’s Meme

I found the following meme over at Puffbird’s LiveJournal. It’s actually one of those questionnaires that used to circulate via email before they started going to ground in the blogosphere, so some of the questions are a little inappropriate for this medium. Also, I may have done this one before — many of the questions look vaguely familiar — or maybe it’s just that some of the questions have appeared in others I’ve done. Whatever. I was feeling meme-y — dang Beaker — and wanted to participate. Enjoy…


It’s Turning Out to Be Another Busy Week…

…so, in lieu of a proper entry, here’s a silly Internet quiz!

Which Star Wars Character Are You?

You are Luke Skywalker. You are adventurous and love to be where the action is. Your curiosity runs wild and you have to seek out the answers to all your questions or else you will not be at peace. People see you as a great leader, although you are uncomfortable with this because you don’t see yourself the same way. You just believe in being honest and focusing on the good in the world. You are sweet and lovable and have many friends that would be lost without you.
Find Your Character @


What do y’all think? Does that sound at all like me? I do have a curious streak…


Top 100 of the Last 25

Great, more lists. This time we’re looking at Entertainment Weekly‘s Top 100 Movies and Top 100 Books of the last 25 years. I’m not going to quibble with the actual rankings of these titles, since such things are almost entirely subjective in my opinion. My super-bestest faves aren’t likely to be yours, after all. But what I will do is follow in Jaquandor‘s footsteps and bold the titles I’ve seen or read, with occasional commentary when I have something to say.
