Memes and Quizzes

Epic Christmas Meme

The title pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

I first spotted a somewhat abbreviated version of this mammoth meme at SamuraiFrog’s Electronic Cerebrectomy, but Jaquandor tracked down the full enchilada a few days later. Seeing as how I’m an exhibitionistic masochist, and that I have nothing better to do on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, I shall, of course, do the long one…


Child of (Too Much) TV Meme

The last few entries have been a little on the grim and/or grouchy side, so why don’t we try a nice, pleasant meme? The meme fad seems to be in decline these days, but SamuraiFrog somehow continues to stumble across them; here’s one I spotted over at his place a few days ago, which he called the “Child of (Too Much) TV meme.”
It’s a long list of TV-show titles, to which you are supposed to do the following:

Bold all of the following TV shows of which you’ve ever seen 3 or more episodes in your lifetime.
Italicize a show if you’re positive you’ve seen every episode of it.

Me being me, I shall of course add the occasional comment as we go along. Shall we begin?


Music Meme

Between the earlier entry on soul music and spending much of the afternoon ripping my CD collection into iTunes (have I mentioned that I finally got around to getting an iPod?), I’ve been thinking a great deal about music today, so it seems like a good time to do this musical meme I stole (yet again) from Samurai Frog
List 10 musical artists (or bands) you like, in no specific order (do this before reading the questions below). Really, don’t read the questions below until you pick your ten artists!!!

  1. Rick Springfield
  2. Linda Ronstadt
  3. The Eagles
  4. Boston
  5. Bonnie Raitt
  6. Bob Seger
  7. Jimmy Buffett
  8. B.B. King
  9. The Bangles
  10. Buddy Holly


I should be taking advantage of my day off to write something meaningful, like a short story or a screenplay outline, or notes for a novel I’d like to write, or even just a recap of my DC trip or a half-dozen other blog entries I’ve been putting off, but I’m feeling pretty lazy, intellectually speaking, so I think I’ll just swipe a Thanksgiving-themed meme from Samurai Frog:


The “Handy Substitute for an Actual Entry” Meme

I was planning to do a whole string of Halloween-themed entries last week, followed by some long-overdue business (such as a tribute for the late Patrick Swayze, whose premature death moved me to a surprising degree) this week. But, as it seems to do with distressing regularity these days, work has simply overwhelmed every other aspect of my life lately. Busy, busy days, a few late nights at the office, and a major truckload of job-related stress and anxiety haven’t left much time or energy for anything else.

A few days ago, however, feeling the need to get something posted up here for the sake of my own sanity, if not the pleasure of my Three Loyal Readers, I thought to fall back on the ol’ reliable of the blogosphere, the not-quite-an-entry exercise that you can noodle at a little bit at a time whenever you find yourself with five free minutes. Yes, that’s right, kids, it’s a meme. This particular one is courtesy of Jaquandor.

So, without further ado, let the meme-ocity begin!


My 50 Concerts Meme

Here’s another Facebook meme, courtesy of my friend and co-worker Waylon. The idea this time around is to list 50 musical artists or bands you’ve seen in concert. As with that movie meme from the other day, you’re not supposed to think too hard about this, but to list only the first 50 acts that occur to you. Of course, that presumes you’ve been to at least 50 concerts, which is a pretty unlikely situation, I think, for most people. But even if that’s in the realm of possibility, listing 50 music shows off the top of your head isn’t as easy as it sounds; I’ve kept a scrapbook of ticket stubs and reviews ever since my very first concert back in 1981, but without having it here beside me to refer to, I had a devil of a time remembering who-all I’ve seen. I couldn’t quite manage 50 names even when I included the handful of memorable opening acts I’ve seen, but I’m not sure if that means I haven’t actually seen 50 discrete musical artists or if I’m just forgetting somebody.
In any event, here are the results, along with the usual commentary, starting with the original rules:


15 Movies Meme

One of my pals from the old movie-theater days recently tagged me with this meme over on Facebook. The idea is to list “15 movies that will always stick with you,” which I interpreted to mean those flicks for which I can still recall the circumstances of my first seeing them, or movies that have some special meaning or memory for me. These are not necessarily my picks for the best movies I’ve ever seen, or even my favorite movies — although I’d be willing to call all of them faves, if you pressed me on it — but rather these are ones that have, well, stayed with me over the years. You’re not supposed to think too much about this exercise, though; the instructions call for you to just throw out the first 15 titles that come to mind, and you’re not supposed to take any longer than 15 minutes to do it (as if it would take me 15 minutes to come up with a mere 15 titles!).
Following what seems to have become my usual custom for these Facebook things, I’m going to repost the results here, with some additional commentary. Hey, just think of this as the Expanded Edition! And in case you’re wondering, I came up with this list in about three minutes, instead of the allotted 15. Because I’m a show-off that way.


New Memes

There have been a couple of memes floating around Facebook recently for which I’ve been repeatedly tagged, so I finally caved to the pressure and did them yesterday. I’m now republishing them here in a somewhat longer and embellished form. Why? Well, what else have I got to do on a Tuesday afternoon?


The Love and Hate Meme

It’s a bleary-eyed Friday morning here in the Proofreader’s Cave, deep in the bowels of one of the glorious metropolitan skyscrapers in fabulous downtown Salt Lake. One of my fellow proofers has been on vacation this week, so I’ve been doing the work of two, and naturally this has also coincided with a surge in output from our shared primary account. All of which means that I’ve been working my tail off, I’m fried, and I’d like nothing more right now than a window seat at the Buena Vista, a steady flow of Irish coffees, and absolutely no place to be and nothing to do for the next ten hours or so.

I’ve kept myself sane during the week by working on the following a little bit at a time, whenever I needed to tear my eyes away from the Chicago Manual of Style. Which has been more and more frequently as I’ve neared this morning. I have a feeling the rest of today is going to be an uphill slog. In any event, credit for this one goes to SamuraiFrog, who, in a display of great wisdom, chose to combine two separate but similar memes that’ve been making the rounds lately into one big one. Henceforth, my crotchety opinions on a great many things…
