Memes and Quizzes

My Sci-Fi Crew

It’s Internet quiz time again! This time we’re determining which science-fiction crew or ship I’d be best suited for. And here are my results:


My Johari Window

Continuing this afternoon’s quest to ignore the deepening stack of material in my inbox, here’s something I found on Scalzi’s AOL Journal: an interactive Johari window. This is an Internet version of a ’50s-vintage psychological model used for mapping personality awareness. It works by having the test subject — that would be me, in this case — choose from a pre-determined list five or six words that he or she feels describes them best, then asking other people to describe the subject from the same list. Fun awaits as you compare and contrast the answers to see the difference between how the subject sees themselves versus how everyone else sees them. Since I naturally want to be just like Scalzi, I’ve followed his example and set up my own Johari window. Assuming my three loyal readers go through with this, I’ll post the results in a few days. Here’s the link:

Bennion’s Johari window

Have fun, kids…


Like a Virgin — Tagged for the Very First Time

Hm, well, this is a new experience. I’ve been “tagged,” meaning someone — that would be you, Jen — has specifically requested that I do a particular blogging meme. It’s a good thing I didn’t live during the period when dueling was still legal, because I seem to be incapable of turning down this kind of a direct challenge! So, Jen, just for you, here’s my response to “Five Random/Strange/Weird Things.”


Consolation Prize

Hey again, kids. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted. Hope you haven’t missed my sterling prose too much. I’ve been working on a nice long recap of Anne’s and my Yellowstone snowmobiling adventure, and I was planning to post it tonight, but…

There’s always a “but” when computers are involved, isn’t there? In this case, the “but” refers to the way I somehow lost three-quarters of the entry when I tried to e-mail the part I wrote at work this afternoon to myself so I could finish it tonight here at home. I’m hoping I can recover it tomorrow when I get into the office. If I can’t, I’m going to be a very unhappy blogger, because I thought what I’d done was quite good. For a change. I haven’t been terribly proud of my recent writing here at Simple Tricks; this entry, however, seemed to be going very well.

In any event, I’m long overdue to give you guys something — I’m surprised my three loyal readers aren’t banging their tin cups against the bars by this time — but about all I have to give you tonight is another of those e-mail survey thingies that occasionally makes a circle of the ‘net. You know, those long lists of random questions that try to elicit trivial responses. It’s kind of lame, I know, but it’s quick content, and you may learn something interesting about moi. Hopefully, I’ll find my travel piece waiting for me tomorrow and I’ll be able to finish it and get it up to you before tomorrow night. In the meantime, enjoy the trivia…


My Stripping Song

If the proofreading gig doesn’t pan out, I’m thinking I can always fall back on the Full Monty scenario…

Your Stipper Song Is

Closer by Nine Inch Nails
“You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
Help me I broke apart my insides, help me I’ve got no
Soul to tell”

When you dance, it’s a little scary – and a lot sexy.


Curiously, I took the test twice, entering the same answers both times, but got two different results. The first time, my song was “Dirrrty” by Cristina Aguillera. I’ve never heard either of these tunes that I can remember. I’m so unhip…


Meme of Fours

My employer has generously given me the week off, so between now and New Year’s, I hope to clear the decks around here by blogging about a whole mess of topics and links that I’ve been gathering over the past few weeks.

First up is another of those list-style memes I occasionally run across, this one based around the number four. For your post-Christmas, Monday-morning amusement, I present the following bits of trivial information about yours truly:


Ten Weird ‘N’ Random Things About R. Jason Bennion

Jen has posted yet another meme over at her LiveJournal that I have decided to appropriate for my own uses. I sense a pattern developing here, in which Jen finds the meme and I follow her lead… I’m such a clone.

Anyway, this time the drill is, as the title up there suggests, to post ten weird and random facts about yourself, a task that is considerably more difficult than you might think at first. It’s taken me all afternoon to think of enough things that are sufficiently “weird” and/or “random” to be included, and I’m still not entirely sure the items I’ve chosen qualify. You be the judge:


Huh… This Is Unexpected

I just took the Tortured Artist Test, fully expecting to learn that I’m one shot of absinthe away from dying unloved and frustrated in a drafty garrett somewhere. As it turns out, though…

I am 32% Tortured Artist.
I know Art, I just don't live it.

I have some artistic ability, but it is probably a hobby and doesn’t drive my life into a dark abysmal hole where I am alone and against the world.
