Memes and Quizzes

Eight Things

I really need to stop promising to write long, insightful entries. I’ve been very busy and, even more importantly, productive this weekend, but those entries still haven’t happened, have they? Well, there’s still tomorrow…

In the meantime, let’s do a meme keyed around the number eight, as seen on Byzantium’s Shores:


Simple Tricks: Fit for a Twelve-Year-Old!

Chris Roberson clued me into the Blog Readability Test, which has determined the following:

cash advance

So, this means either my writing is so clean and to the point that even an adolescent can follow along… or my writing is adolescent. Hmm… not sure I really want to know the answer to the implied question here…


I’m Catwoman… Meow.

Here’s an interesting variant on the “Which [blank] are you?” quiz genre… it seems that if I were a woman with superpowers, I’d be Michelle Pfeiffer:

What female superhero are you???Catwoman

You are the anti-hero. Not quite a hero but prone to heroic actions and a protector of abused women. Dark, sleek and full of feminine wiles, you steal your way into people’s hearts. Meow!

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

I doubt I’d look as good in skin-tight vinyl as Michelle Pfeiffer did, though…



Monday Morning Net Crap

72% Movie Freak
Odd… I anticipated a higher score than this. I thought perhaps my score was lower than expected because the game is predicated on gender and I’ve missed the boat on a lot of traditional “guy” films. However, when I took the “girl” quiz, I did even worse:
55% Movie Freak
Just goes to show that even a person who lives and breathes this stuff can still have gaps in the old knowledge base, I guess.

Hat tip to Samurai Frog for this one…


Halloween Meme

I’m a little late with this Halloween meme (ganked from Jaquandor), but I was out of town last week, and Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I’d appreciate it if you bear with me…


Just Like the Sound of Electric Guitar

The usual: work is crazy, no time to write a proper blog entry, but I really need to take a break before I kill an account manager or three. What to do? I know: I’ll gank a silly Internet quiz from Puffbird

What musical instrument are you?

You are an ELECTRIC GUITAR.You are one wild, adventurous soul. You love everything to be hyper action-oriented, and are never satisfied to sit back and passively let life come to you. You are ever ready to take command and FORCE your life to go where YOU want it to go. Without excitement and thrill, life wouldnt be worth living. Like the piercing wail of an electric guitar, so your presence is on this earth.
Take this quiz!

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Hm. How interesting that this is exactly what I would’ve wanted to be if you had asked, “Hey, Bennion, what musical instrument are you?” Results bias? Discuss quietly amongst yourselves while I get back to the never-ending hunt for missing commas and trademark symbols…



Food Meme

It’s been a while since I found a good meme, so naturally when I spotted one over at Byzantium’s Shores, I had to gank it for myself. It’s a fairly unique one, too, with no odd-ball questions about my underwear or most embarrassing childhood secret or whatever. Nope, this one is all about my epicurean habits. That is, it’s about what I like to eat…

Read on, loyal readers, and find out all kinds of useless trivia about my narcissistic self!


How Many of Me?

I may have posted about this site before — it seems like I did, but I can’t find the entry now. Still, it’s always fun to play with silly Internet toys, and, according to this one, it would appear that I have a relatively unique name.
Logo There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?


Cool. I know one of these other Jason Bennions is a minor-league baseball player who, oddly enough, comes from Taylorsville, Utah, just a few miles up the road from my house. Of the third JB, I haven’t a clue… although there is a Welsh painter who share the name as well.

Of course, there is a downside to this: should Skynet decide to send a Terminator after me, it won’t take long for it to work its way down the list…
