
The Year of the Beard

Isn’t this just like me? Only last night I was waxing pretentious about writing more substantive pieces and saving the silly stuff for Facebook, so what do I decide to post as my very next entry? A video of a ukulele-playing gamine extolling the awesomeness of beards.

What can I say? As a proud member of the Clan of the Beard for over 25 years now (save that one terrible, ego-crushing week back around 1995 or thereabouts, when I thought I’d “try something new,” like a colossal dumb ass), and as someone who has frequently had to defend my hirsuteness as a perfectly acceptable fashion choice in a highly conservative culture that frowns on too much individual expression (that would be Utah, kids), I can’t help but support the cause whenever I see an opportunity. So, in that spirit, allow me to present to you Molly Lewis and… “The Year of the Beard.” (Keep your eyes peeled for appearances by fellow beardites John Scalzi and Wil Wheaton, from whom I ganked this clip in the first place… )
