E Plebnista

“The Omega Glory” is often derided as one of the worst episodes of the original Star Trek, for any number of reasons, everything from Shatner’s melodramatic reading of the Constitution (especially his… unique… pronunciation of “TRAWNquility”) to the far-fetched premise of another world that so closely parallels our own that they have a word-for-word version of America’s founding documents. If you simply don’t like Shatner, I can’t do much to change your mind. But as to the other point, I would suggest that you’re taking it all too literally. If it helps, think of this as less an episode of Star Trek than a segment of The Twilight Zone: simply a fantastical setup for making a point that probably ought to be obvious but so often isn’t.

I urge you to watch this clip, but don’t worry about Shatner’s delivery; listen to what he’s SAYING: the “holy words” of America — the ideals of America, and yes, the laws too — must apply to EVERYONE or they mean NOTHING.

I think about that every Fourth of July. And especially on this Fourth.

E plebnista, my friends.
