Valentine’s Quiz Thing

I’m a couple days late with this, but I’m a sucker for these silly quizzes that used to be so popular in the old days of blogging, so here’s a thingie I stole from Facebook:
? How long have you and your significant other been together? 24 years (!)
? Do you have any children together? Nope.
? What about pets? Our kitty boy Evinrude, plus various feral and semi-feral cats that include ‘rude’s mother and a sad-eyed, scruffy-looking bugger we’ve started calling “Stuart” because he reminds me of the pathetic comic-shop owner on The Big Bang Theory.
? Who said I love you first? I don’t remember… probably her. Girls are mushy like that.
? Who is the most sensitive? Depends on the subject. We both have our Big Red Buttons.
? Where do you eat out most as a couple? Geez, I don’t know… probably Five Guys.
? Who’s older? Me, by a year and a half.
? Who has the worst temper? Well… I’m more prone to spontaneous flare-ups, but she has this thing where she can simmer for hours that’s far more frightening than my passing storms.
? Who is more social? Me
? Who is the neat freak? Me, although I’m not extreme about it. In other words, I generate plenty of clutter too, but I usually break and start to tidy before she does.
? Most romantic? Her.
? Who is the most stubborn? We can both be pretty hard-headed about things that matter to us.
? Who wakes earliest? Her during the work week; me on the weekends.
? Who’s the funniest? We make each other laugh pretty often and pretty hard, so I really can’t say.
? Where was your first date? Squatter’s Pub. Anne is convinced I was trying to get her drunk. I just wanted to introduce her to good beer. (She hates beer. Sigh.)
? Who has the biggest family? Her — I’m an only child.
? Do you get flowers often? Occasionally, when she’s trying to butter me up. 😉
? Who was interested first? Her, no question.
? Who picks where you go to eat? We tend to play the “I don’t know, where do you want to eat?” card a lot, so… both?
? Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Her
? Who wears the pants in the family? Who wears pants?
? Who eats more sweets? We both have pretty demanding sweet-tooths. (Sweet-teeth?) Anne probably gives in to hers a little more often…
? Married? Um…well… somehow we never got around to that…
? More sarcastic? I don’t know… her, maybe? Depends on our respective moods, I guess.
? Who makes the most mess? Her
? Hogs the remote? We’re pretty egalitarian with that.
? Better driver? I’d say we’re both pretty decent drivers.
? Spends the most? Um… well, I am the one who just ordered that coffee table book of classic Star Wars newspaper comics…

? Who is smarter? I’ve got more book learnin’, but I let her do my taxes, so you tell me…
? Did you go to the same school? Yes, but I didn’t know her until after I graduated (she’s younger)
? Where is the furthest you two have traveled to? Scotland
? Who hogs the bed? Her — sorry, ducks.
? Who does the laundry? Her… but I help with the folding.

? Who’s better with the computer? Me. Which is scary because computers hate me, and I hate them right back.
? Who drives when you are together? Depends on whose car we’re in.