Come In, Echo Base…

Just a little housekeeping note to let my three Loyal Readers know that, starting today, I am a contributing writer for a group blog called Echo Base. The short version is that a friend and colleague from my day job is one of the chief editors there; he recently read something I wrote here on Simple Tricks and was impressed enough to ask me if I’d like to contribute. And just like that, my sphere of influence has expanded! Soon, the entire Internet will be mine! Mine, I say!  Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Seriously, this could be a fun opportunity, or at least a kick in the pants to get me back to blogging more frequently. The plan, at least at first, is just to syndicate (i.e., repost) some of the content from this blog — my first piece for them is a slightly tweaked version of my Prince obituary from a couple weeks back — but I may also produce some original work for them as time and inspiration allows. We’ll see how that works out.

But even though you won’t be seeing anything new from me at Echo Base that you haven’t already read here, at least not right away, you should definitely check out the other stuff on the site. Its focus is the entertainment industry — “Movies, Music, Games, and More,” as the masthead reads — and it features a wide range of voices discussing (arguing) about all sorts of geeky things. It’s a lively place run by a lot of passionate people. Good times…
