The Final Trailer

If you haven’t seen it already on any of the six million other websites that are linking to it:

Honestly, I’m still not sure what I think, even after watching this three times in a row. The music is nice, if a bit elegiac (we’re going to lose someone we care about in this one, I’ll bet you). JJ Abrams seems to have exercised some self-control with his irritating lens flare schtick, so there’s that at least. It was great to see the old Falcon cutting through hyperspace again. And it’s interesting to hear Han Solo of all people solemnly acknowledging the reality of that hokey ancient religion. But the final line…

“The Force… it’s calling to you… just let it in.”

Is it just me, or does that sound like a meta-message aimed directly at the skeptical fanboys? And if so, is it an invitation spoken from a position of confidence or does it betray some opening-night jitters? Are the filmmakers saying “Come back to the galaxy far, far away, guys, you won’t be sorry,” or are they begging us to remove the chips from our shoulders before we enter the theaters? I guess we’ll find out in a few short weeks…


2 comments on “The Final Trailer

  1. Pingback: The Future Is Now… | Simple Tricks and Nonsense

  2. Cranky Robert

    I think I see what you mean about the elegiac tone of the music. In this third trailer, for example, the Han Solo shots are scored with the theme used at the end of The Empire Strikes Back, when Han was in gravest danger. As you know, the characterization of Han Solo is one of the things I’ll be watching most closely in the new movie, since it was so poorly done in Return of the Jedi. This trailer provides some interesting hints along those lines.