46th Anniversary

apollo-11_lander+armstrong-shadowHere men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.

I still think this day ought to be a national holiday.



4 comments on “46th Anniversary

  1. Cranky Robert

    Amen, brother. We celebrate Columbus Day, so why not this?

  2. jason


  3. David


    I remember watching this happen. I was five and it was a big deal. As a family, I think we watched every Apollo mission. My bedroom was a shrine to our space program growing up, of course my decorating skills were only enhanced with the advent of Star Wars. Seriously though, I couldn’t agree more. Of all the things we’ve turned into national holidays, I think this qualifies as a very valid moment to celebrate as a people in my book.

    It’s also a shame that we haven’t gone further or done more with our space program.

  4. jason

    Hi, David, and welcome to my little fiefdom!

    I’m a bit younger than you — I was born about two months after Apollo 11 — but one of my early memories is watching live coverage of the recovery of an Apollo command module from the ocean. No idea which one… possibly the Apollo-Soyuz mission, since it was later, or maybe one of the Skylab flights. But of course as a kid in the ’70s, the Apollo missions and the idea that we were going to really go out there in force were woven all through our culture. I’m currently watching the old series Space: 1999, and while that show is ludicrous on many levels, it’s a good example of the basic assumption that we’d have a moon base by the turn of the century. You probably don’t want to get me started on this one… just scroll through this blog’s archives, and you’ll see lots of evangelizing on the subject… 😀