Colossal Star Wars Questionnaire


As of today, the countdown is on… only 365 days until the next Star Wars feature film hits cinema screens in our galaxy.

Such a momentous event demands I do something here on Simple Tricks, but of course there’s not much more to say at this point than what I’ve already written in regards to the teaser trailer. So how about something a little more… general?

I ran across this questionnaire on Tumblr a while back (thanks to my friend Staci for posting it!), and, well… I just can’t resist these silly things. Some of the questions are a bit outdated now that Episode VII is no longer a hypothetical, and the whole thing seems to have been written by and for younger fans who experience being a Star Wars fan quite differently than I have (I have noticed there’s a definite generation gap developing in fandom, maybe even two of them at this point… god, I’m getting old), but no matter. The only real prerequisite here is that the person answering be a fan of the Star Wars saga, and I think I probably qualify…

1. Which film is your favorite of the Original Trilogy?

The toughest question of all, right off the bat. Although popular wisdom long ago decreed that The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the entire saga (and I do concede that it presents the most polished, most satisfying vision out of any of the six films to date), I’ve got to award this prize to the first entry in the series, Star Wars. (Sorry, kids, I can’t think of it as “A New Hope” or “Episode IV”; the name of the picture was Star Wars when I first saw it.) None of the other films, in either the Original or Prequel Trilogies, had the same swashbuckling sense of fun, or a self-contained story that didn’t rely on having seen any of the others to make an impact. (I maintain that the prequels, in particular, are absolutely dependent on one knowing how the story ends when you go into them. But then, that’s the way I experienced them, so maybe the younger fans see it differently.)

2. If you enjoy the prequels, which one is your favorite?

For the record, I do enjoy the prequels, although not to the same degree as the Original Trilogy. My favorite of them is Revenge of the Sith, because that’s the one that fulfilled a vision I’ve had in my head since I was eight years old: Obi-Wan and Vader battling on the edge of a lava pit.

3. How old were you when Episode 1 came out?

I was 29.

4. Which of the movies have you seen in the theater?

All of them. As I said earlier, I’m old.

5. Did you go to any of them on opening night?

I saw an opening-day matinee of The Phantom Menace, and saw Sith on opening night. I honestly can’t recall when I saw Attack of the Clones, but I’m sure it was probably some time on opening day. I did not see any of the originals on opening day.

6. Who is your favorite character from the Original Trilogy?

Tough choice. At this point, they all feel like family, and I love them all, for one reason or another. But I guess I’d have to say Han Solo. He was the cool guy all us boys (and probably more than a few girls) on the playground wanted to be when we played Star Wars.

7. Who is your favorite character from the prequels, if you have one?

Obi-Wan. I love the dry humor and sense of derring-do Ewan MacGregor brings to the part, as well as his maturation over the three films. I would’ve liked to see more of Liam Neeson’s Qui-Gon Jinn.

8. Have you read any of the books or comics?

Of course! My history with the tie-in literature goes all the way back to the Marvel Comics adaptation of the original film, and Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (the very first spin-off novel). I’ve also read quite a few of the more recent novels and the various comic series published by Dark Horse, the stuff that’s referred to as the “Expanded Universe,” although I confess I haven’t been able to keep up with all of that. (And I guess it doesn’t matter now anyhow, as Disney has “decanonized” all the EU.)

9. Favorite book or series? Favorite SW author?

Again, I’m old, so my favorites are Brian Daley’s Han Solo trilogy from the late ’70s/early ’80s (Han Solo at Star’s End, Han Solo’s Revenge, and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy), closely followed by Tim Zahn’s “Thrawn trilogy” (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command), the books that restarted the whole Star Wars juggernaut in the early ’90s.

10. Favorite comic?

Obviously, I favor the Marvel comics I grew up with (I guess I need to qualify that as “the original Marvel comics” now, since the company has reacquired the license and will be starting a new SW line in January). I’ve also enjoyed a number of Dark Horse Publishing’s various SW titles, most notably the limited-run miniseries Tales of the Jedi (set 5,000 years before the movies), the comical adventures of Tag and Bink (kind of the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of the SW Saga), and the short-story collections published as Star Wars Tales.

11. Favorite character from the Expanded Universe (EU)?

I’ll confess, a lot of the EU stories have not stayed in my mind, and I haven’t read very many of the later ones (New Jedi Order and following) at all. There’s also some question in my mind as what, precisely, constitutes the EU. Does it include the early tie-in novels by Brian Daley, Alan Dean Foster, and L. Neil Smith? Or the old Marvel comics? Or does “EU” connote only the more regulated, continuity-conscious materials created since 1991, when Timothy Zahn’s novel Heir to the Empire reignited everything?

If we’re counting the early stuff, I loved Jessa and her father Doc, the outlaw mechanics who helped Han Solo modify the Falcon according to Brian Daley’s Han Solo at Star’s End. If we’re starting with Zahn, I’m partial to Talon Kardde, the smuggler lord introduced in Heir to the Empire. What can I say, I like the scoundrels.

12. Favorite villain from the EU?

Grand Admiral Thrawn, again from Zahn’s Heir to the Empire and its two sequels (which comprise the “Thrawn trilogy”).

13. If you had your own ship from the Star Wars Universe (SWU), what would it be? It could be a mash-up/ugly.

I’m not sure what a “mash-up/ugly” might be, but then I tend to prefer the classics anyhow… the Millennium Falcon, of course!

14. Would you rather be Sith or Jedi?

Jedi. I’d look terrible with yellow eyes.

15. Would you rather be a Rebel or a member of the Imperial Navy? What would your role be?

A Rebel. I have a problem with authority, especially the kind that Force-chokes you for every little thing.

16. If you could be any species from the SWU which would you be?

I’m pretty happy being human, actually.

17. If you could date any species from the SWU which would you pick?

Those Twi’lek chicks are pretty hot…

18. If you could date/marry any character from the SWU who would you pick?

If I’m allowed to pick someone from the old Marvel comics, Amaiza, the Mae West-ish “den mother of the Black Hole Gang,” was a cutie, and she’d probably keep me on my toes.

19. If you were going to bone just one Star Wars character and you never had to see them again, who would you pick?

Luke’s friend Camie from Tosche Station.

20. If you could BE one SW character, EU or not, who would you be?

Lando Calrissian. Because I’d love to be as smooth as that guy with the galactic ladies.

21. What would your SWU name be?

Well, I like my given name, but “Bennion” isn’t very Star Wars-y… following the general pattern of human family names on Tatooine being somehow related to the cosmos, let’s say… Jason Doublestar.

22. What color would your lightsaber be, what kind would it be (double-bladed, single blade), would you dual-wield, and what kind of grip would it have?

Um… my favorite color is red, but as far as we can see, only the Sith use those and I already said I don’t want to be one of them, so… a blue single-blade in a straight hilt (classic style, none of this fancy stuff!), and I’d only use one. Enough risk of losing digits with one, let alone multiples.

23. Do you own SW merchandise?

Silly question. Of course.

24. How much, to date, do you think you’ve spent on SW merchandise?

I’ve been collecting Star Wars stuff since I was seven years old. I think it’s fair to say the amount I’ve spent over almost four decades is incalculable.

25. What is your favorite SW possession?

Again, difficult… in terms of plain sentiment, the first thing that comes to mind will probably seem a little weird: three pages torn out of an ancient children’s magazine and gifted to me by my third-grade teacher, who got tired of me asking to look a that particular issue. Those pages include a couple of quotes from George Lucas speculating that, in a future “Star Wars 2,” we might see the origins of Darth Vader, when he and Obi-Wan dueled at the edge of a lava pit, and Darth fell in and was horribly burned, which is why he has to wear that suit and respirator machine. This image remained in my head for 30 years, and when I saw the lava fields of Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith… well, it was like a circle was now complete.

26. Do you have a favorite SW artist? If so, who?

So many excellent artists have contributed to Star Wars in so many media over the decade, it’s very difficult to pick just one. But I will say Drew Struzan is probably my favorite one-sheet artist in general, and he’s done a lot of incredible work for Lucasfilm.

27. Are there items you do not own but covet? What are they?

Sure, of course… there’s so much SW stuff out there, there’s no way anyone could have everything they covet. I’d love to have an original “birthday” one-sheet (produced to celebrate the first SW playing in some movie theaters for an entire year back in the day). I’d like to have an original “Han Solo in Bespin outfit” action figure still on the card. A life-size, functioning R2 unit would be fun (there are hobbyists who build them!), too.

28. Are there items that are not made but that you wish were made? What are they?

A fully functional landspeeder, perhaps? Even better, a speeder bike?

29. Did Han shoot first?

There was no “first.” Greedo never shot.

30. Did Boba Fett, in your opinion, ever leave the Sarlacc or did he die there?

I think the odds are good he escaped. He was wearing an armored suit that would have protected him (for a time) from the Sarlaac’s digestive process, and the suit had weapons built in even if he didn’t manage to hold on to his blaster. And if there was even a grain of truth behind his fearsome reputation, he must’ve been a survivor.

31. Are there things about the movies you wish you could change? If so, name three.

Since we’re on the subject of Boba Fett, I’d give him a larger part and more characterization — as it is, he’s basically little more than a cool-looking costume, even with the backstory provided by the prequels — as well as a more interesting and meaningful demise. (I’ve always imagined him and Han Solo settling things Old West style, with a quick-draw shoot-out — the original Star Wars was very much like a Western, after all.)

I’d drop the notion of Luke and Leia being siblings and come up with a more honest resolution to the Luke-Leia-Han love triangle established in Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. (You’ll never convince me that George Lucas planned that from the beginning; it has always struck me as a cop-out to avoid dealing with a plot point that had evolved in the first two films, but which he didn’t want — or didn’t know how — to address.)

And I’d fix Jar-Jar Binks by giving him a heroic character arc in The Phantom Menace that sees him rise to the occasion during the droid battle at the end and save the day through his actions and choices rather than by accident. I’d also establish that his weird speech pattern is due to English being a second language for him. We’re accustomed to seeing subtitles for non-humans in the SW universe; if Gungans were shown as speaking intelligently and grammatically among themselves, I think viewers would’ve been far less annoyed with Jar-Jar’s pidgin-speak.

32. Which era would you want to live in?

Assuming this refers to the “classic” (i.e., rebellion against the Empire) and “prequel” (i.e., Old Republic/Clone Wars) eras, I’d go for the Imperial/rebellion era. It’s the one I grew up imagining myself in, the one that feels most like “home.”

33. What SW games have you played?

Um… the old Escape from the Death Star board game is the only one that comes to mind. I don’t really play games.

34. Do you play/own Star Wars Miniatures?

No, but I’ve thought about picking up some of the miniature ships that go along with this game, just because they’re wonderful little models.

35. Favorite SW costume for men?

I love seeing them all, from Jedi to stormtroopers to Han Solos. It’d be nice to see somebody cosplay Luke Skywalker’s farm-boy outfit or his “medals ceremony” uniform, though… for some reason, nobody ever does those.

36. Favorite SW costume for women?

Weirdly enough, I really like seeing women dressed as Han Solo. I’m not sure why, but the outfit seems to work really nicely on the ladies.

37. Have you ever dressed up as a SW character? Who/When/Why?

No, unless you count when I was little and would pretend I was Han by wearing a denim vest over a white t-shirt. Maybe I ought to try one of those Luke outfits for Salt Lake Comic Con sometime.

38. Do you ever have SW sex fantasies? If so, have you ever acted them out?


39. Do you Ship any SW characters who aren’t together? Who/why?

I confess, I had to look up the slang term “shipping” in order to answer this. This would be one of the generation-gap questions I mentioned above, I think. (Briefly, for my fellow uninitiated, “shipping” means wanting to see two fictional characters have a relationship, or being intensely interested in a fictional relationship.)

It’s not anything that’s ever occurred to me, so I’d have to say “no.”

40. Have you ever written SW fan fiction? Can we read it?

Nope. I wrote an Indiana Jones/Rocketeer crossover once, but never anything Star Wars-related.

41. Have you been to a Celebration or plan on going to one?

No, I’ve never been to one of these and have no plans to attend one, but I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea.

(For the unhip, “Celebration” refers to the officially sanctioned Star Wars Celebration conventions.)

42. Have you ever been to Star Wars Weekends at Walt Disney World?

Again, no, but I wouldn’t be opposed.

43. Do you wish they had Star Wars Weekends at Disneyland?

As I live much nearer to California than Florida, it would certainly be more convenient for me.

44. Best section you’ve experienced on Star Tours?

I’m not sure what this one is asking… I’ve enjoyed the Star Tours ride in the past but honestly don’t remember that much about it.

45. What initially brought you to the SW fandom?

Seeing the original Star Wars when I was seven years old. Growing up reading and re-reading the Marvel comics and the novelization and early tie-ins, playing with the Kenner toys, wearing t-shirts with rubber Star Wars iron-ons, listening to the NPR Radio Dramas in my barn one hot summer day, and generally obsessing about the most mind-blowing experience I’d ever had at the movies. You know, the same as everybody else my age.

46. Do you consider yourself a SW Fanboy or Fangirl?

Hm. Another difficult question. Although I have referred to myself as a fanboy as a way of shorthanding my interests, the term has picked up certain baggage that I don’t really identify with, much like “nerd” or “geek” used to connote a type of person much different than those words now describe. The truth is, I no longer have the time or interest in the levels of devotion that I associate with the true fanboy. I’m tired of arguing about the prequels, I’m inclined to see George Lucas as a flawed human being rather than either a god or a hack, and I really don’t know the name of every single creature that you see in every frame of film.

47 Have you seen Fanboys? Favorite character and/or quote?

I have seen it, once. I didn’t care for it, as much of its humor was derived from lazy old stereotypes of SW fans, and lovers of science fiction generally, and the laughs came at the expense of these characters rather than from their situations. In other words, the movie laughed at fans instead of with them. In my opinion, a much better movie about the Gen-X sci-fi-fan experience was Free Enterprise, although that film was constructed more around Star Trek than Star Wars.

48. Do you wish they would make 7, 8, and 9 or do you think they should be done with it?

Kind of a moot point, considering Episode VII is now in post-production. But to go along with the spirit of the question, I was always quite content with just the original three films, and the occasional tie-in novel or comic. I never clamored for more movies, whether prequels or sequels.

49. If they ever made 7, 8, and 9, do you think it should continue the Skywalker Legacy or use entirely new characters? Or something different?

I don’t know how many people remember this, but the novelization of the first Star Wars — Episode IV to you kids — was subtitled “From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker.” Although I’m perfectly happy with exploring and even creating other characters in other media, to me, the feature films have always been about the Skywalker family… and always should be. I’m anticipating that Episode VII will probably be a “pass the torch to the next generation” scenario, and I’m perfectly down with that… but somebody in that next generation needs to have Skywalker blood…

50. Do you watch The Clone Wars?

Not regularly, but I’ve seen a number of episodes and generally enjoyed them. Same with the new animated series that’s now replaced The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels.

And on that note, I think maybe I’ll go throw on the bootleg “Despecialized” edition of the my favorite Star Wars film…


2 comments on “Colossal Star Wars Questionnaire

  1. Geoff

    Oooh! Oooh! Can I play?

    1. Which film is your favorite of the Original Trilogy?
    “Return of the Jedi” – Ewoks, musical number, “Noooo!”, young Anakin’s spirit, and all that. It’s my favorite.

    2. If you enjoy the prequels, which one is your favorite?
    That’s a tough one for me. I liked all of the prequels. I know that I am in the so-called minority on that one, but I don’t care. Episode II is my favorite though. I like the vibe the movie has, the atmosphere…plus, I like experiencing the beginning of the end for the “more civilized age” and the ushering in of “the dark times”. Yeah, yeah, the dark times and the Galactic Empire weren’t fully formed until the end of Episode III, but Episode II is where it really began to coalesce.

    3. How old were you when Episode 1 came out?

    4. Which of the movies have you seen in the theater?
    All of them. The first movie I have an actual memory of seeing with my parents was “The Empire Strikes Back” when I was 4. I sat through an Original Trilogy marathon around 1989 or so at the old Villa Theatre in Salt Lake City.

    5. Did you go to any of them on opening night?
    Pretty sure not for Star Wars or Empire, but I did see “Return of the Jedi” opening day in 1983. I went after school with my best friend, John-Paul Walker and his family. We saw it at the old Century Theaters – you know, the domes? – and that was probably the first time I saw what is now referred to as “cosplay”. There was a dude in a Darth Vader outfit. I remember JP and I ran up to him and asked all kinds of questions, the only one I remember was “Who wins at the end?” (little spoiler hounds, we were!”) and “Vader” says to us, “Well, we both win.”. Try wrapping your head around that at 7 years old!

    I did see every one of the Prequels on opening day (midnight showing for Episode III), and even caught the animated Clone Wars movie in the theatre back in ’08 or so.

    6. Who is your favorite character from the Original Trilogy?
    Luke Skywalker. Always has been, always will be.

    7. Who is your favorite character from the prequels, if you have one?
    That’s another tough one for me. I liked young Obi-Wan a lot, although I thought he got shafted in Episode I in favor of Qui-Gon Jinn. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Qui-Gon well enough, but always thought (as others did, I am sure) that the prequels would focus more on Obi-Wan. I’m also tempted to say Anakin Skywalker, purely because of my affinity for the Skywalker line as a whole, and because they are the crux of the entire Star Wars saga.

    8. Have you read any of the books or comics?
    Have you seen my book shelf? Yes. Yes, I have.

    9. Favorite book or series? Favorite SW author?
    There are several that I really liked – The Thrawn Trilogy, Shadows of the Empire, I, Jedi, Kenobi, just to name a few.

    10. Favorite comic?
    Hmm. That’s a bit trickier. I love the Tales of the Jedi series to the point where I re-read it at least once a year. I also quite liked the pre Episode III comics from Dark Horse, and the old Marvel series was a lot of fun. Star Wars: Legacy was great.

    11. Favorite character from the Expanded Universe (EU)?
    There’s a few – Corran Horn from the Rouge Squadron novels, Mara Jade, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma from Tales of the Jedi just off the top of my head.

    12. Favorite villain from the EU?
    Exar Kun.

    13. If you had your own ship from the Star Wars Universe (SWU), what would it be? It could be a mash-up/ugly.

    Well, I know what the “Uglies” are from the Expanded Universe. They never appealed to me. I’d go for an X-Wing. Millennium Falcon is a close second. Y-Wing would be acceptable, too.

    14. Would you rather be Sith or Jedi?

    Jedi. Sith are so angry all the time.

    15. Would you rather be a Rebel or a member of the Imperial Navy? What would your role be?

    I’d rather be a Rebel. I like the good guys. I’d like to say I’d be a fighter pilot or something dashing and heroic, but I’d probably end up working the commissary.

    16. If you could be any species from the SWU which would you be?

    Don’t know; never thought about it.

    17. If you could date any species from the SWU which would you pick?

    18. If you could date/marry any character from the SWU who would you pick?

    I say “uh…” again.

    19. If you were going to bone just one Star Wars character and you never had to see them again, who would you pick?

    (Sigh) This is a weird question in my opinion. I’m generally against the sexifying (You understood it, so it’s a word) of the Star Wars characters. Takes away from the innocence I associate it with, and is sometimes just outright creepy. Google it – you’ll see what I mean. Yeah, I know it’s been there since Return of the Jedi kick-started many an aspiring young Jedi into puberty with Slave Leia, and Anakin’s baby mama had some pretty sexy outfits in Episode II, not to mention Aayla Secura (blue Twi’lek from the comics made canon), and various representations of Mara Jade, but it just seems wrong to me.

    However, in the interest of fun…Zeltrons anyone?

    20. If you could BE one SW character, EU or not, who would you be?

    Movies: Luke
    EU: Corran Horn. Dude’s a cop, Rogue Squadron member, Jedi, husband and father, AND has a silver-bladed, dual-phase lightsaber. Respeck.

    21. What would your SWU name be?

    Lance Goodthrust. Oh, wait…that’s my porn name. How about Jivé Doubletalker?

    22. What color would your lightsaber be, what kind would it be (double-bladed, single blade), would you dual-wield, and what kind of grip would it have?

    One saber, single-bladed, blue or green (I tend to vacillate between those two colors).

    23. Do you own SW merchandise?

    Look who you’re askin’.

    24. How much, to date, do you think you’ve spent on SW merchandise?

    WAY more than some, WAY less than others.

    25. What is your favorite SW possession?

    Ask me to choose my favorite child, why don’t ya?! I don’t know… one of my many sabers, life-sized Yoda, or the first Darth Vader figure with removable helmet. They’re commonplace now, but back in ’98, not so much. Took me forever to get it.

    26. Do you have a favorite SW artist? If so, who?

    Favorite, no. But I do like several SW artists. Dave Dorman, Drew Struzan, Joe Corroney, Jan Duuresma are some that come to mind.

    27. Are there items you do not own but covet? What are they?

    Yes, another Anakin Skywalker Episode II FX lightsaber. Allow me to explain. I do have the first FX lightsaber that Master Replicas released back in 2002. It was, yep, Anakin Skywalker’s Episode II saber. It was very cool…for the time. The technology used was called EL (Electro Luminescent), which was basically a type of material that would glow when a charge was running through it. Wasn’t the brightest, and the scale of the saber was enlarged to allow for the electronics, batteries, etc. After all these years, it doesn’t work so great anymore. I’d like an updated version. LED light, closer to scale, removeable blade, etc. It’s my current “Holy Grail” item. Been looking for a new one for years, and may have a line on one becoming available in the spring…

    28. Are there items that are not made but that you wish were made? What are they?

    Collectible-wise? Shit, I don’t know. There’s plenty already. In real life? Hyperdrive and landspeeders.

    29. Did Han shoot first?

    This fuckin’ thing again…Han shot Greedo. In the dick, under the table. Greedo never got a shot off. Han didn’t shoot first, Han shot only. End of story.

    I know this was a source of consternation for many, but aside from the shoddy edit, I wasn’t bothered. I actually thought it was funny; Greedo got the drop on Han. He’s got him point-blank, and he still misses?! With marksmanship like that, he deserved to die. Dude’s got to be the most inept bounty hunter ever!

    30. Did Boba Fett, in your opinion, ever leave the Sarlacc or did he die there?

    Hmm…well, sir, there are two schools of thought on the subject. One is that he got out, one is that he didn’t. According to the EU, yes he did, and went on to eventually do great things in the name of the Mandalorians. According to others, no he didn’t.

    Some fans of the character like to believe that he got out, that the ignominious death Fett received in Jedi was no way for his ultimate badness to end his illustrious career. Some prefer to think that he got his thousand years of pain and suffering in the belly of the beast.

    I tend to fall in the camp that he didn’t get out. Even before the canon was negated, I looked at them as a what-if situation, and was never the biggest fan of the Fett, anyway. No dislike, and he’s cool and all, but a touch overrated.

    31. Are there things about the movies you wish you could change? If so, name three.

    They’re fine. But just for shits and giggles:

    Ep. I – Eliminate Qui-Gon entirely, and make Obi-Wan the man in charge, with a 20 year old Anakin already his apprentice. Darth Maul lives to fight another day. No lame-o, surviving being bisected, plummeting down that ubiquitous pit, only to come back in the Clone Wars as a half-man, half-droid bent on revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi and Maul’s own former Master. That was just stupid.

    Ep. II – Not much to change, but maybe make Dooku not an ex-Jedi, but royalty who genuinely thinks what he’s doing is for the best, with Maul and Sidious pulling his strings. Maul goes up against Kenobi and Skywalker, with the same end result, but B.M.F. Mace Windu intervenes instead of Yoda, and stops Maul, but ol’ horn head gets away.

    Ep. III – Remains pretty much the same, but no General Greivous. Maul gets his from Obi-Wan in Greivous’ stead, and Dooku gets sliced and diced by Darth Vader with the rest of the Separatists.

    32. Which era would you want to live in?

    Live in the now!

    I guess the Rebellion era or the no longer canon New Republic era, before the New Jedi Order came along and fucked the galaxy up.

    33. What SW games have you played?

    Board games: Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, Star Wars Electronic Battleship, Clone Wars Monopoly.

    Video Games: Dark Forces, Masters of Teräs Käsi, Episode I, Jedi Power Battles, Obi-Wan, Dark Forces II: Jedi Outcast, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Knights of the Old Republic, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, The Force Unleashed, The Force Unleashed II. Oh, and the old Star Wars and Return of the Jedi arcade games.

    34. Do you play/own Star Wars Miniatures?

    Nope. But I do have exactly two of the mini Unleashed figures.

    35. Favorite SW costume for men?

    I really liked Anakin’s Jedi gear from Episodes I & II, and Luke’s gear from “Return of the Jedi”.

    36. Favorite SW costume for women?

    Based on what my answer to #19 was, I will say that Padmé’s battle gear from Ep. II was pretty cool.

    37. Have you ever dressed up as a SW character? Who/When/Why?

    Yes. Been Jedi Luke a couple of times for Halloween, and generic Jedi on other Halloweens. I hope to get the Ceremonial Luke costume done one day soon. I already have the jacket and medal!

    38. Do you ever have SW sex fantasies? If so, have you ever acted them out?

    How many questions is this thing?

    39. Do you Ship any SW characters who aren’t together? Who/why?

    Huh? What? No.

    40. Have you ever written SW fan fiction? Can we read it?

    I tried. Once. Never finished it. And no you can’t. ‘Cause I can’t. I no longer have it.

    41. Have you been to a Celebration or plan on going to one?

    No, but would love to.

    42. Have you ever been to Star Wars Weekends at Walt Disney World?

    No, but would love to.

    43. Do you wish they had Star Wars Weekends at Disneyland?

    Sure, why not?

    44. Best section you’ve experienced on Star Tours?

    Well, I haven’t been on Star Tours since I was sixteen, and don’t remember much about the actual ride…but waiting in the line was cool!

    45. What initially brought you to the SW fandom?

    The Force! 

    Probably seeing “Empire” at four years old.

    46. Do you consider yourself a SW Fanboy or Fangirl?

    I don’t like the term “Fanboy”. I’ll take Star Wars geek, or Major Star Wars fan. “Fanboy” to me has been negative ever since Brodie in “Mallrats” derogatorily shouted “FUCK YOU, FANBOY!” back in ’95.

    47 Have you seen Fanboys? Favorite character and/or quote?

    Yeah…yeah I have. Didn’t like it. But the cameos were cool. Especially William Shatner’s. His line “Are you kidding? I’m William Shatner, I can score anything” was the best in the movie.

    48. Do you wish they would make 7, 8, and 9 or do you think they should be done with it?

    Never thought it would happen, but next December…not sure about the “spin-off” movies, though.

    49. If they ever made 7, 8, and 9, do you think it should continue the Skywalker Legacy or use entirely new characters? Or something different?

    There has to be a Skywalker. Books, games, comics, etc, have shown that Skywalker isn’t essential to Star Wars, but I don’t think it would be the same without one.

    50. Do you watch “The Clone Wars”?

    Again, look who you’re askin’.

  2. jason

    Dude, you need to get a blog. 😀