So That’s Why I Quit Going…

From a Mormon satire site called “The Bunyion“:


Bottom line, according to the same source: “Those with beards are 67% less righteous than their clean-shaven counterparts, according to a recent study by BYU.”

Remember, kids: NOT. EVEN. ONCE.

(An aside: Even though this is obviously meant to be humor, as a bearded man living in Mormon Utah, I’ve definitely encountered this attitude, up to and including ladies refusing to go out with me in my younger days because of my facial fuzz, and a well-meaning neighbor lecturing my dad on his beard until Dad very memorably reminded him that Jesus himself had one, and that many of the church’s early leaders looked like members of ZZ Top.)

Via the fabulously bearded Andrew Sullivan


5 comments on “So That’s Why I Quit Going…

  1. Jennifer B

    Yeah, you know… I always thought the “clean-shaven=righteous” mindset was baloney.

    1. Jennifer B

      And I say that as an active, card-holding member. I’ve never personally had trouble with this issue. (Of course, I lack the follicles for it to be a real issue for me.)

      1. jason

        As a follicle-bearing member of the species, I thank you. 😀

  2. James Stoddard

    The level of conformity required to truly be accepted in that cult is staggering.

  3. Cranky Robert

    Kudos to your dad. This is the problem I have with religious fundamentalists: I can’t tell whether they’re being hypocritical or ignorant. Believe what you want, but at least be consistent before you start denigrating others.