Best of Blogging 2012

I said a week or so ago that I didn’t feel like I’d written much on this blog in the past year that’s worth reading. Well, I’ve since decided that maybe I was being a little too harsh on myself, as I so often tend to be. After actually reviewing my output in 2012, I still think I’ve been off my game, both in terms of quantity and quality, compared to the Good Old Days when blogging was a novelty, and everything in the world was fresh and golden. The last few months, when a Friday Evening Video every couple of weeks has been the best I could manage, were especially disappointing. Nevertheless, though, I did find a few entries I think are worth reminding people of. Many of these aren’t so great stylistically, i.e., in terms of the actual writing, but I’m including them anyhow because I admire their honesty, or they contain a good image, or I simply want to remember the events they mention:

And with that, let’s close the books on 2012 and move on to some new business, shall we?
