Thanksgiving Day Wishes

I gotta be honest, I don’t get really “get” Thanksgiving. I like the four-day weekend, of course, and the pies — honestly, I could take or leave most of the traditional Thanksgiving-day foods, except for the pie — but the day itself has always seemed like kind of a second-tier holiday to me, really just a placeholder between the far more significant Halloween and Christmas, and nowadays of course nothing more than a prelude to the insanity of Black Friday shopping. And my personal history with it has not always been… good. And then there’s the ritual that seems to have sprung up of people publicly announcing online all the things for which they’re thankful, manifested most recently on Facebook as daily postings, one item a day, throughout the month of November. Um, yeah. That’s not really me either.

Even so, I would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, and I hope when you sit down at your respective dinner tables, you do find some meaning in it all…

CE3K_potatoes (Extra credit if you get the meaning of that image!)
