Public Service Announcement

Just wanted to note that my friend Diane Olson will be signing her book, A Nature Lover’s Almanac: Kinky Bugs, Stealthy Critters, Prosperous Plants & Celestial Wonders, this Saturday from 1 to 3 PM at the fabulous new Natural History Museum of Utah. If you haven’t been to the NHMU yet, you really ought to take this opportunity to drop in. Diane’s book is a great little volume of fascinating factoids that’s well worth adding to your library — FYI, the book’s illustrator, Adele Flail, will be there as well! — and the museum itself is absolutely breathtaking, one of the best public facilities of this type I’ve seen. (I especially like the exhibit on the Great Salt Lake with the floor-to-ceiling window looking out over the valley… and the actual Great Salt Lake in the distance!)

Anyhow, details on the signing are here; the NMHU’s home page is here.
