Road Rage: A Case Study

FAIR WARNING TO MY MORE SENSITIVE READERS: The following entry recounts something deeply unpleasant that happened to me a few nights ago. I posted a highly condensed form of this story already on my Facebook page, but it’s still bothering me, and I want to discuss it in more detail. And — here’s where the warning comes in — I’ve chosen to render it as accurately as my fallible, sleep-deprived, middle-aged human memory permits, which means I’m not going to pull any punches in the foul language department. I’m not talking the little four-letter swears we all learned in the third grade, either. No, this story involves the big two-dollar vulgarities, the kind that start fistfights (as, indeed, they were intended to here), as well as the unsavory spectacle of a couple of grown men acting like ten-year-olds. I’m not proud of my own role in this nastiness, even though I was just giving back what I got. The whole thing actually shook me pretty hard, which is why I’m still thinking about it three days later, and why I’m going to blog about it now. Anyhow, yeah… nasty words and poor behavior below the fold. Consider yourself warned.

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