Friday Evening Videos: “Space Girl”

This isn’t the usual sort of thing I post as a Friday Evening Video, being neither a true rock-and-roll song nor a relic from the 1980s, but I ran across it earlier today and found it utterly charming, for reasons that will quickly become obvious:

Ah, pretty girls and rayguns… like sweet, sweet catnip!

My Loyal Readers are probably thinking that your host, being such a big-time nerd and all, can name the source of all these clips. Well, not quite. I recognize most of them but believe it or not, there are several that completely mystify even me. I’m guessing they were British productions that never made it to the states, or which I’ve simply never managed to catch.  I could’ve done without the clip from Starship Troopers at roughly 2:30 — I loathe that piece of shit movie — but the poignancy of the very final scene more than makes up for it. Oh, my sweet Sarah Jane… the first celebrity death in a long time that genuinely hurt.
