Downright Eerie

They say everyone has a doppelganger out there in the world somewhere, and I now have it on pretty good authority that mine is a music teacher from New Jersey. Seriously. According to my friends Keith and Danielle, the guy who’s giving lessons to their daughters looks just like me. So much so that their youngest girl was a little bit weirded out upon meeting me last night. But wait! It gets even creepier:

This dude’s name is Rick. My favorite musician’s name, as my Loyal Readers well know, is also Rick.

Rick the Music Teacher Who Looks Like Me plays the guitar. I own a guitar.

Rick the Music Teacher Who Looks Like Me eschews the Disney tunes and lame-o kiddie songs that are usually taught to children in favor of ’80s hits. I, of course, am all about the ’80s.

And lastly, Rick the Music Teacher Who Looks Like Me has an extensive collection of band t-shirts. And I… well, the resemblance is just frightening, I tell you!

I’m deeply curious about my apparent twin, but also cautious… what might happen if we were to meet? Would it disrupt the space-time continuum and destroy everything? It’s not worth that kind of risk, obviously. But still… I am intrigued…


4 comments on “Downright Eerie

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Wait…are you in New Jersey?

  2. Jason Bennion

    No, I’m not… Keith and Danielle live there, but they’re back in Salt Lake for a few days. I see how I could have made that impression, though. Sorry for the confusion!
    (You should know if I was going to be in the neighborhood, I’d let you know!)

  3. Brian Greenberg

    Sounds like a plan….
    In the meantime, I hope your NJ friends brought you some good pizza. (wow, that was a long time ago, now wasn’t it?!?)

  4. Jason Bennion

    Yeah it was! Seems like some lost golden age of blogging now… I still wish we’d been able to put that together…