And Another One…

Again, from the Adventureblog Annex, a nifty pic of Han Solo killing time in Mos Eisley:

han-solo_western.jpgI love the feel of this, so much like much the opening credits of the old Wild, Wild West television series. I have no idea what’s happening in the background… looks like Chewie just set off a small tactical nuke. I don’t seem to recall that happening in any of the stories I know, but then I have been out of the Expanded Universe loop for a while.

The artist is a chap named Skottie Young, who apparently shares a blog with another gent named Scott Morse. Some interesting interpretations of many beloved characters over there. Give it a look, if you have time to kill this afternoon…


2 comments on “And Another One…

  1. Brian Greenberg

    For what it’s worth, I thought the thing in the back was a tree until I read your text. Now, I’m not sure.
    Do you think they had nukes “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away?”

  2. Jason Bennion

    Oh, I’m sure they did… probably used them as fireworks on Founding of the Empire Day or something. 🙂