And in Other News…

NASA says it will be at least May 10 before they make another attempt to launch Endeavour. The engineers have decided to replace something called a Load Control Assembly (LCA), which I understand is similar to  a circuit-breaker box. The faulty LCA is believed to have been causing the problem with the heaters on the Auxiliary Power Unit, which led to the scrubbing of last week’s launch attempt, and it will take some time to swap it out and retest everything it connects to.

It’s funny… even knowing that this will be Endeavour‘s last flight, I’m still as impatient with these delays as I was when I was a kid. Once those birds get out to the launch pad, I want to see them fly… irrational, isn’t it? Considering that a successful launch only means we’re that much closer to the end of the shuttles forever. But I’ve never claimed to be rational when it comes to things like this.
