Tweaking the Commenting Feature… Again

Hey, kids, I just wanted to acknowledge that I am aware there are still issues with the comments. I’ve received complaints that people are having trouble signing in using their Yahoo and Google identities (even if they’ve previously done so successfully), and a couple days ago, one of those weird URL string-thingies popped up in place of a commenter’s name again. I have no idea why this isn’t all working more smoothly, and I apologize to any Loyal Reader who’s had a problem.

For now, until Jack and/or I can figure this out, I’ve decided to disable the Google and Yahoo registration options altogether. This means a few of you may no longer be able to sign in; again, my apologies. If you have a problem, just go ahead and create an account here on my host server. In fact, I strongly urge all of my Loyal Readers to do that, since that option seems to be the one that’s working best. It’s quick and painless and asks for no more information than the commenting feature on the old platform did. I believe you’ll get a confirmation email after you register; don’t forget to follow the instructions it contains. Once I get all the regulars set up and “trusted,” I hope we won’t have to talk about this anymore. And I also hope all the hassle hasn’t put anyone off…


4 comments on “Tweaking the Commenting Feature… Again

  1. Wayne Bennion

    Oh, my goodness! You never said you had a blog! When do you find time to do anything else?
    Did you see where my sister liked my asking you for our genealogical connection? I told you!
    So who is/was your father, and who was his father, and who was his father?

  2. Jason Bennion

    Heh, finding time for everything I want to do is actually the defining problem of my life, Wayne. 🙂
    I’ll send you a private message about the genealogy stuff…

  3. Brian Greenberg

    I’m still here & my ID still works, for what it’s worth…

  4. Jason Bennion

    Good to hear, Brian… thanks for chiming in…