Just Another Day at the Compound

The fabulous Bennion Compound holds many secret treasures.

Moments ago, while walking through the section that encompasses my father’s junkyard, The Girlfriend suddenly halted, took a couple of steps backward, and then asked, “Is that a flamethrower over there?”

I took a look at the object in question and confirmed that, yes, it is indeed a flamethrower. Well, of a sort. It doesn’t actually project a stream of burning gasoline — which would be way-cool, by the way — but it is a long wand-like gadget designed to produce flame at the tip. Dad cobbled it together a number of years ago when he needed to thaw something out in the dead of winter. I forget what.

Anne shook her head and said, “You know, when your parents die, we’ll have to figure out what to do with all this shit.”

I replied, “Yes, and then the flamethrower will be ours.”


2 comments on “Just Another Day at the Compound

  1. The Girlfriend

    The flamethrower may come in handy in getting rid of some of the other stuff…

  2. Brian Greenberg

    When it comes to flamethrowers, I’m guessing the “finders keepers, losers weepers” rule applies. I mean, seriously – how exactly are they going to take it BACK from you? 😉