Almost Lost the Cole Slaw!

I don’t know about you, but after vomiting up that extremely long post on the Persian Gulf War, I could use a little palate cleanser. Here’s something that’s been making the rounds (and which I posted on Facebook a few days ago), so apologies to those who’ve already seen it, but I’m really amused by it:

I’ve been trying to find out where this ad came from, but haven’t been able to track down anything definitive. Some people who’ve reposted it are claiming it was made for the Canadian market a few years ago, circa 2005 or ’06, and I’ve also seen assertions that the voices are actually the original cast members dubbing their look-alikes. Kirk and Uhura definitely sound like Shatner and Nichelle Nichols. I’m not so sure about Chekov and Scotty, though; they sound to my ear like they could be very good impersonations.

Whatever the provenance of this, though, it’s a surprisingly loving homage considering what it is, i.e., a commercial for a fast-food place. It’s so loving, in fact, that I’d rather watch this a dozen or so more times than see the J.J. Abrams reboot movie a third time. But then I’m getting increasingly stubborn about such things in my middle age…

