A Dirk Gently TV Series? Really?

I think most of my Loyal Readers are probably familiar with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — that sublimely silly sci-fi spoof by Douglas Adams — in one or another of its many varied forms. (It has been a radio show, a low-budget BBC television series, a big-budget Hollywood feature film, and, of course, a bestselling novel.) But I’d be very surprised if many of you know Adams’ other major literary works, a novel called Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency and its sequel, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. I’ll be honest… I don’t remember them all that well myself. In fact, I’m not certain I ever got around to reading Tea-Time, and the only thing that has stayed with me about the first one is a joke at the expense of my hometown… something about an electric monk who has recently started malfunctioning and is therefore believing in things they’d have a hard time accepting in Salt Lake City.

Well, I thought that was terribly witty when I was in my teens.

Anyhow, somebody remembers the Dirk Gently books, because I’ve just learned via Boing Boing that the BBC has done a TV adaptation of them. Here’s a brief and not-terribly-informative trailer for it:

Might be something worth seeking out. If you like this sort of thing. Which I do. No word on when or if it’s coming to American TV, though…
