Rock and Roll Xmas Starring… Me!

Black Friday, the day on which I must finally accept the inevitability of the Holiday Season, and stop muttering under my breath every time I hear a Christmas song on the radio. It’s here now, so I may as well grit my teeth, hold on tight, and ride this bronco through to the end.

In the spirit of sucking it up and doing what you can to get by, here’s a silly little something I threw together over at JibJab. Some of you may have already seen this on Facebook, but I think there’s enough diversity in my audiences here and there that I’m going to risk repeating myself, because this one really amuses me. The music is provided by the awesome mash-up band Rock Sugar, and in a nice bit of synchronicity, the photo of my face that I used was taken at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last month… enjoy!!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!