Best Geeky Sign from the Stewart/Colbert Rally

I don’t have anything substantive to say about that big Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert thing that happened in Washington over the weekend. As I’ve noted before, I’m not a big fan of irony, and I’m also not comfortable with the way Stewart and Colbert blur the already-fuzzy line between entertainment and real journalism. And when you’ve got the organizer of the thing, Stewart himself, saying that he only wanted people to show up (as quoted in the article I linked), well, the whole thing seems kind of pointless, doesn’t it? Yes, yes, it was very cute and clever of all those people to create absurd protest signs that mock the messages and grammar of the tea-party signs, but was anything really accomplished? I don’t know… I didn’t attend and I didn’t watch it on TV, so maybe I’m missing the point. It wouldn’t be the first time.

All my grumbling aside, however, I couldn’t resist passing along one particular image from the rally. If you’ve been hanging around this blog for any length of time, I think you’ll be able to figure out why:

Nice to see my personal constituency so well-represented at the rally, even if this guy did conflate the Cylons of my beloved classic Battlestar with the slang terminology (“toasters”) of the remake. Ah well. It’s the thought that counts.
Here’s a pretty good runner-up, also from the geek category:
Rally to Restore Sanity

You can see more of this sort of thing here, if you’ve a mind to. Giving credit where it’s due, the Cylon photo is courtesy of Flickr user Caobhin; Xena comes from Flickr user Kyle Rush.


2 comments on “Best Geeky Sign from the Stewart/Colbert Rally

  1. Karen

    “Toasters” makes a funnier acronym than “Cylons.” (Say “TUAT” out loud, come on…)

  2. jason

    Yeah, I figured that out after I’d already written the entry. I’m a little slow sometimes… 🙂