And Now, For No Particular Reason…

It’s the legendary character actor Peter Lorre… with cats!

Peter Lorre and friends

I don’t have much to say about this, it just warmed my heart. I can almost hear him saying in his distinctive voice and cadence, “Yes, that’s a good kitty, you don’t despise me, do you? Not like that nasty Mr. Bogart…”

I pulled this from here, an excellent photo blog that comes up with a lot of wonderful and rare images of all sorts of mid-20th century subjects. If it’s a dark and rainy Saturday morning where you are, as it is here, and you’re looking for something to do for an hour or three, give it a look…


2 comments on “And Now, For No Particular Reason…

  1. Karen

    Hooray, kitties! Hooray for that site!

  2. jason

    I thought you’d appreciate that one, Karen… 🙂
    (Although now that I think about it, I may have found that site via you to start with. I can’t remember any more…)