Set a Heading for Bodacious

I’ve been thinking I really shouldn’t leave the weekend to start on such a sour, ranty note as the previous entry (even though I don’t regret one word of it!), so here, enjoy this image of the lovely Rita Hayworth:
Rita Hayworth at the helm

As crotchety old men have been saying for eons, they don’t make ’em like this anymore!


2 comments on “Set a Heading for Bodacious

  1. Keith

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, you pushed the boundaries of public PC and what not and totally cracked me up with your last 3 paragraphs of the previous entry. I try not to follow the mosque debate–I mean come on, is there still some doubt that they can’t build it wherever they want? This near ground zero Mormon says “Huh?”
    Anyway it was a fun rant to read–the billboard does sound really scary and maybe I’m just out of the loop, but I don’t think too many people care back here near NYC. I’ll take a local opinion poll and let you know. I think the whole thing is media generated like concentrating on the -50 Koran burners.
    BRIAN GREENBERG, want to poll those closer to the action in NYC? I’ll be surprised if the average local person really cares.
    PS Happy Belated Birthday!!

  2. jason

    Hey, thanks for the birthday wish, Keith!
    I suspect you’re right, that the mosque thing has been greatly amplified by the media and politicians who want to stir people up, but that of course doesn’t mean that people aren’t genuinely upset about it. Often hypocritically or ignorantly so, but still. You wouldn’t believe the ugly, nasty crap my mom keeps getting in her email from people who, I’m willing to bet, have never set foot in NYC and wouldn’t know a Muslim from a BBQ pit. I just finally had a bellyful and had to say something…