Housekeeping Notes

Briefly noted, I’ve culled a bunch of the links I previously had in the right-hand sidebar. They no longer served much use for me, and I imagine most of my Loyal Readers are getting their bloggage through an aggregator these days anyhow. If there was something over there that anybody used regularly, just let me know and I’ll put it back.

Sharp-eyed readers may notice some new links among the ones that I kept. “My Flickr photostream” and “My listings” ought to be self-explanatory.

Stashmatic is a database site for cataloging one’s collectibles. I actually signed up with the service several years ago, around the same time I discovered LibraryThing, but I’ve never found the time to do much more than play with it a little. Which means the “stash” I’m linking to represents only a tiny, tiny sliver of the fabulous Bennion Archives, and not the comprehensive accounting I dream of someday having. Even so, I thought what’s there might still be of interest to someone.

“My DVD Collection” remains dead, as I still haven’t found a suitable substitute for, the late, lamented movie-cataloging service I enjoyed for only about a year before the Internet gods pulled one of their capricious tricks and shut the thing down. One of these days, somebody will build me a decent alternative. In the meantime, I’m keeping the placeholder.

Finally, let me call your attention to a new arrival in the “Pimpin’ My Friends” category (formerly “Miscellaneous Coolness”): Pretty Little Pixel is the portfolio and business site for a terrific graphic designer of my acquaintance, Stephanie Swift. We both share a fondness for old-fashioned signage, and she does this neat-o thing where she transforms ordinary photographs of old signs into striking works of art. I’m proud to say she’s given the treatment to some of my own photos, and I have my eye on a couple of her pieces that’ll be perfect for my kitchen, when I finally get around to remodeling it. Hop on over and check out her work. It’ll add some nostalgic color to just about any setting!
