You know James Dyson, the British guy who was so concerned about standard vacuums “losing suction” that he invented his own super-high-tech model with no bags or filters, which creates a hurricane-force vortex inside a stylish yellow chassis by tapping the hellish power of a tiny black hole? Well, okay, his vacuums aren’t really powered by black holes — damn it all, that would be cool! — but you know the guy, right? It seems that Jaquandor isn’t impressed with his latest venture, a bladeless room fan that costs $300:
Seriously, if he’s that big a techno genius, he needs to use his abilities for stuff that’s actually, you know, important. … This guy is like a supergenius with OCD who has decided to use his abilities to rid the world of all of his personal little pet peeves rather than advancing our world toward its ultimate goal of unlimited energy, flying cars and jetpacks, spaceships coming and going all over the place to our colonies throughout the solar system, and a Super Mario game that doesn’t make me feel stupid. We don’t need bladeless fans! Ye Gods, man! Let go of your anal retention and use your powers for good!
I myself have no ill will toward Mr. Dyson, even though I think anyone who’s willing to lay out 300 clams for a fan obviously makes too much money, but I can’t help but admire any rant that builds toward the expression “Ye Gods.” Oh, and the stuff about flying cars and spaceships to the colony worlds is good, too…