How Do You Know You’ve Done Too Much Proofreading?

You know you’ve been doing too much proofreading when you’re on your own time, outside the office, enjoying a fun little escapist novel about vampires, werewolves, fairies, and beautiful Southern girls who can read minds, and you come across the following sentence:

Since I was very nervous with Sam’s Blackberry, he entered the totals while I counted…

And you find yourself thinking that “Blackberry” should have an intercap B and a registered trademark, like so: BlackBerry®.
I couldn’t have had adamantium claws or the ability to fly or something cool; no, my superpower has to be “attention to detail.” Sigh…


2 comments on “How Do You Know You’ve Done Too Much Proofreading?

  1. Cranky Robert

    With great power comes great responsibility, Jason.

  2. jason

    Very good, Robert… And you claim not to know anything about comics!