Friday Evening Videos: “After Midnight — the Michelob Version”

I’ve really dropped the ball with these video entries, and for that I apologize. But just lately I seem to be dropping all kinds of balls, so why should this feature be any different?

Anyhow, what I’m posting this week isn’t a video exactly; it’s a TV spot for Michelob beer that aired in the late ’80s, but it looks like a music video, and it features the guitar god Eric Clapton and a (then) updated version of his classic “After Midnight.” Michelob had a number of similar ads around this same time featuring popular music and an MTV visual style. I have the impression (but no actual knowledge) that it was a successful campaign for them. Certainly, I liked these ads, all of them that as I can recall seeing, anyway, but this was my favorite… it sounded and looked cool, and I just knew that the atmospheric mood of the clip was a prediction of what weekend nights were going to be like when I came of age. Yet another adolescent fantasy that didn’t quite work out, considering I’m currently sitting at home by myself on a Friday night/Saturday morning writing about a 20-year-old beer ad instead of out listening to blues music in a smokey dive somewhere. Sigh… anyway, here’s the ad. Enjoy:

For the record, I know there was also a one-minute version of this ad, but it’s the 30-second spot that I remember seeing the most. There were also Michelob ads featuring Genesis, Phil Collins, and Steve Winwood (I wasn’t able to find a link to that one).

And now, considering that it’s well after midnight, I think I’m going to call it a week…


2 comments on “Friday Evening Videos: “After Midnight — the Michelob Version”

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Here’s the irony: it’s not that you can’t go to a smokey dive and listen to blues music. Now that you have the freedom to choose that you wished you had back in the 1980’s, you choose to sit at home and blog about 20-year old beer ads.
    Our 40-year old selves just don’t seem to want what our 20-year old selves dreamed about…

  2. jason

    Wow, Brian, that’s really depressing… 🙂