Only Three More to Go

Space Shuttle Discovery lands at Kennedy Space Center, April 20, 2010

Shuttle Discovery is back on the ground this morning after 10 days in orbit, servicing the International Space Station. A nice video of the picture-perfect landing is here.

Next up will be the final flight for shuttle Atlantis, then the swan song for Endeavour, and finally Discovery will fly one last time to close out the shuttle program.

I feel like a child is dying.


2 comments on “Only Three More to Go

  1. Jaquandor

    Wouldn’t be so bad if they had, at any point in the last thirty years, seriously addressed the need for a new ship design. But then, that would have depended on some kind of consistent vision of space policy. We’ll never get to the stars with space policy changing every four or eight years, depending on the outcome of each Presidential election.

  2. jason

    Agreed. Sadly.