I Can Relate

Just listening to some music while I sort through some photos, and the following verse from The Who’s “It’s Your Turn” jumped out at me:

There’s a young kid inside me somewhere
He stays up all night, a vampire that never dies,
With the blood and the moon in his eyes
I hear his voice when I’m comin’ down,
Sleep is for fools, who never see the sunrise,
Who never get to live twice.

Like most Who lyrics, that’s a little obscure, but I think I get what they’re saying, and it sounds a lot like how I feel these days. I’ve always been something a night-owl, and just lately… well, I haven’t been sleeping much the last few weeks. I wouldn’t mind so much if I was at least getting some things accomplished with my insomnia-derived extra time. But no, I simply seem to be awake

UPDATE: Hmm. Curious. What seemed to so clearly mean one thing in the bleary-eyed night seems to have an entirely different meaning in the bleary-eyed morn. Looking at these lyrics now, I see they’re about missing that feeling of being up all night, of being young and energetic and not wanting to miss anything. The vampiric inner kid is chastising the (adult) singer for giving in to the need for sleep, and the singer seems to regret that he can no longer stay up until sunrise the way he used to. Which I can, indeed, relate to.

But last night, I was thinking the verse was more about burning the candle at both ends (and in the middle, too), and the bit about sleep being for fools was a grimly ironic bit of gallows humor, i.e., someone who can’t sleep resorting to sarcasm and saying, “eh, who needs it?” Which is where I’ve actually been lately. So I guess I can relate to this song any way you spin it.

I’m sure none of this is remotely interesting to anyone else, though. Sorry…


6 comments on “I Can Relate

  1. Bob Henline

    Well, perhaps you should endeavor to accomplish something while you’re awake?
    Just a thought. 🙂

  2. jason

    I should have specified that I am awake but not terribly functional… 🙂

  3. Bob Henline

    Yes, but isn’t lack of functionality a trademark of your existence? 🙂

  4. jason

    I beg your pardon, sir! I am quite functional! One might even say — with all due respect to Commander Data — fully functional!
    Given the appropriate circumstances, anyhow.

  5. Bob Henline

    Ouch, that was certainly more information than I needed. Although it does beg the question as to whether or not your functionality was confirmed by Lt. Yar.

  6. jason

    You know, she never did much for me. Her jaw was too square or something. Beverly, on the other hand, could confirm anything about me she wants. 🙂