Twilight in the Jurassic

Here’s another example of what seems to be a developing Internet meme, photographs of the stars of Twilight oblivious to a lurking menace from another movie:

Raptors are drawn to sparkly things...

I don’t know why these things amuse me so…


3 comments on “Twilight in the Jurassic

  1. Brian Greenberg

    I came to the whole Twilight thing very, very late (having recently seen both movies), but since you brought it up:
    Bella: Edward, turn me into a vampire so we can spend eternity together as a teenage couple.
    Edward: Bella, I’ll turn you into a vampire, and incontrovertably bind you to me for the rest of time, but first you have to MARRY ME
    Bella: <stunned look on her face>
    <dramatic music>
    …and END SCENE.
    I don’t get it. If turning into a vampire is acceptable, then how is marriage a big deal? Wouldn’t the proper answer be, “yeah, sure – whatever. Just bite me, you fool!”
    OK, I’m done ranting. It builds up when you see a movie that dumb and no one’s talking about it anymore, so you can’t vent…

  2. jason

    Heh – I understand, Brian. My darling girlfriend loves these books/movies and keeps trying to explain their appeal to me, but I also just do not get it. There are so many things about the Twilight scenario that rub me so very, very wrong, but she seems to not notice or care about them at all…
    I’ve long thought that men and women weren’t as different as society tries to tell us, and that I personally have a reasonably good idea of what makes the fairer sex tick. But the whole Twilight phenomenon has me questioning that. It can’t be as simple as different hormone loads, can it? Really?