A Brief Update on the Sugar Factory Situation

An article in today’s Tribune notes that the theater group that was displaced from the old West Jordan Sugar Factory last week will be able to produce the final two plays of its current schedule in a nearby middle school.

Meanwhile, just three shows remain for the current production, See How They Run, which you may recall features my friend Geoff Richards in a prominent role. Once again, I urge any of my local readers who may see this to check it out either tonight, or on Saturday when there’s both a matinee and an evening show.

As for the fate of the sugar factory itself, that’s still up in the air, but the linked article states that the West Jordan City Council is at least considering trying to save the structure. I’m not holding my breath — Utah generally has a pretty lousy record when it comes to preserving historic buildings — but I’m glad to hear the bulldozers aren’t yet on their way…


One comment on “A Brief Update on the Sugar Factory Situation

  1. Bob Henline

    That’s only because another corporation is currently using those bulldozers elsewhere.