Missing Jim

Kermit the Frog remembers an old friend

Not much to say, I just really liked this photo I spotted over at SamuraiFrog’s place.

It amazes me how alive The Muppets, and especially Kermit, still seem to me, even after all these years, and even when I’m looking at a picture that ought to shatter any remaining illusion that these things are anything but a cloth tube — a decorated sock, really — with a human being’s hand up the bottom. And yet, looking at this all-too-recognizable pose, this reminder that a gentle man and an insanely creative artist left us way before his time, brings a lump to my throat because, for just a moment, I know exactly what that silly cloth frog is “feeling.”

I miss him, too, Kermie… we all do.


One comment on “Missing Jim

  1. Stephanie
