Smart Kid

So, let’s say you’re a small boy who has gotten separated from your parents in some big, crowded place where you’re surrounded by strangers. Who are you going to turn to for help?

How about the nearest pair of superheroes?

If you're ever lost, try and find the nearest superhero...

His dad must’ve been very proud of his son that day. I know I would’ve been.

I spotted this charming photo — which supposedly was not posed, but actually depicts a lost kid asking Wonder Woman and The Flash for help — at Byzantium’s Shores; Jaquandor, in turn, took it from Cal’s Canadian Cave of Coolness. And I imagine it regresses back into the reaches of the Internets from there…


6 comments on “Smart Kid

  1. Jaquandor

    Like I commented on my own blog, I’m tormented between the sweetness of that kid going to superheroes for help and his apparent failure to notice the beautiful pair of breasts that are right in front of him.

  2. jason

    Well, what is he, three or four? He’s in between the ages where those things are interesting to a male of the species — he’s too old to make use of their official function, too young to appreciate their other, um, charms.
    These are both a couple of nicely put-together costumers, though.

  3. Brian Greenberg

    I think Jaquandor and Jason have covered the point rather well, but I will take the opportunity to point out that we’ve probably stumbled upon the dominant feeling the kid’s dad had when he found his son.
    “Pride” probably isn’t the right word for it…

  4. jason

    I was of course trying to be funny, given that the dad is likely a comic-book fan.
    No doubt the actual emotions at the time were a stew of worry, anger, relief, etc., and the pride or amusement about the kid going to Wonder Woman for help came later. I’m not a parent, but I have occasionally had kids placed in my charge, and I know the sick stew of feelings you experience when you misplace them…

  5. Brian Greenberg

    Sorry – that’s not what I meant at all (although you’re right – I’ve had one of my boys wander off in a convention like this (baseball, not comics) and it is a sickening feeling).
    I was trying to be funny too. I meant that when the father found the boy, his first reaction was likely to be the one Jaquandor mentioned, as in “Hello, Wonder Woman. Thanks so much for finding my son. What are you doing after the show? What? He’s wandered off again? Oh, that’s OK. I’m sure he’ll be fine. So, tell me, does that lasso really work?”
    and so on…….

  6. jason

    Doh. I should’ve understood that. Stupid lack of emotional cues anyhow… 🙂