Leia’s Summer Job?

Leia gets a job at Hot Dog on a Stick

I have no idea what the heck this image is all about, or why I find it so weirdly appealing. And yet… I cannot look away. And it brings a mystified smile to my face. And I think I’m suddenly craving a corn dog.

You gotta wonder how Carrie Fisher feels about being the focal point for a whole mess of bizarro nerd fetishes. Do you suppose if she had the chance to do it all again, she’d tell Uncle George she didn’t want to be in his movies after all, because she just couldn’t face the long decades ahead knowing that one day there would be a photoshopped pin-up of her in a Hot Dog on a Stick uniform?


2 comments on “Leia’s Summer Job?

  1. Cranky Robert

    It’s an improvement over her previous job. Jabba the Hutt hardly ever gives his slave-girls weekends off.

  2. jason

    Yeah, but being chained to a giant slug with a tongue longer than Gene Simmons’ can’t be as humiliating as making the lemonade in front of a mall-full of horny 15-year-old boys.