The Jealous Astronaut Plea Bargains

This will be short because I’m trying to finish a bunch of mundane chores and miscellaneous loose ends so I can leave tomorrow on a last-minute adventure with a clear conscience, but I couldn’t let this pass without mention. Remember Lisa Nowak, a.k.a. The Jealous Astronaut? The woman who drove nonstop from Florida to Texas while wearing a space diaper so she could confront (and possibly do major damage to) her romantic rival?

When last we encountered Captain Novak roughly 18 months ago, she had entered a “not guilty” plea. Well, I just spotted the news that she’s now pled guilty to lesser charges of felony burglary of a car and misdemeanor battery as opposed to the original charges of attempted kidnapping, burglary and battery. The prosecutor in the case has complained that Nowak’s attorney has “chipped away” at the case until there’s nothing left, i.e., the defense has fought to have evidence thrown out and managed to get a prohibition on any discussion of the diapers.

Nowak and her paramour, Commander William Oefelein , were both throw out of the astronaut core in 2007. The woman Nowak was apparently after is now living with Oefelein and they’re reportedly engaged. So I guess that’s the end of this strange tale. I have to admit that it feels rather anti-climatic…


2 comments on “The Jealous Astronaut Plea Bargains

  1. Brian Greenberg

    I think you mean “anti-climactic.”
    “Anti-climatic” means “against the weather.” An umbrella is anti-climatic. Novak’s story is anti-climactic.
    </pet peeve>

  2. jason

    In my defense, lame as it is, I did pound this one off in a hurry, and while I had other things on my mind. Still, you are quite right to correct me. I will now go hang my head in shame for a period of time, as penance.