Here I Go Again…

My longtime Loyal Readers will probably recognize the significance of Indy’s Clipper ship up there. It means I’m headed off on another adventure. Once again, my friend Cranky Robert has invited me to tag along on one of his business trips, as he did when we toured Pittsburgh and Gettysburg last year. This time, the destination is Washington, DC. I would’ve mentioned it sooner, but it’s come about at the last minute and of course I’ve had a difficult time lately blogging as much as I would like.

I’ve never been to our nation’s capitol before, so I’m pretty excited. As if there wasn’t enough to see there, I’ve also got plans in the works to visit an old high school and college friend who lives in the area. It ought to be a good trip, if a bit too short. I fly out at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow morning, and I’m back Sunday night. And, as is my usual pattern, I’ve waited until the last second to pack, so I’d better run along and do other things now.

See you all soon…


4 comments on “Here I Go Again…

  1. Cranky Robert

    I’m very glad we could make this happen at the last minute!

  2. Ilya

    Two weeks later, and we could hook up – I’ll be in DC over Thanksgiving, visiting friends.
    Hope you’re having a good time!

  3. Brian Greenberg

    Looking forward to the full report.
    When is Cranky Robert’s next business trip to NYC? 😉

  4. jason

    Ilya: Rats! That would’ve been fun to meet you in person. Another time…
    Brian: Robert and I actually talked about how limited his business-trip options are, and how cool it would be if he could go to a few other destinations…