There Are No Cows in Space

So, that Castle/Firefly meta-joke I was looking forward to? Every bit as brilliant and funny as I hoped, from the rapid-cut “gearing up” and familiar Malcolm Reynolds action-hero pose to Castle’s daughter puncturing his balloon with her teenagery command of the obvious:

I loved this whole sequence. I do find myself wondering, however, if any Firefly fans took the “get over it” line as a slight; browncoats seem to take a lot of crap in certain corners of the InterWebs for making such a fuss over a series that lasted only 13 episodes. Personally, I doubt it was intended that way, but fans can be notoriously touchy, as William Shatner learned with his own “get over it” joke. Hopefully, we all learned something from that ugly incident…


4 comments on “There Are No Cows in Space

  1. Konstantin

    I got over it. 🙂 Loved the scene.
    It’s interesting how a show that was only 13 episodes, is considered cult classic.

  2. jason

    It’s not entirely unprecedented… The Prisoner only had 17 episodes, I believe, and that has a pretty strong cult following. But that was a self-contained show with a definite ending; it wasn’t canceled prematurely. In that, Firefly is pretty unique, I think.

  3. chenopup

    Great little scene. Wish more shows could nod back to former cast roles like this.
    I’m assuming it’s his daughter in the scene. She mentions that he wore it “like, 5 years ago” – would have been about the time he would have donned it for the Serenity film shoot. 🙂

  4. jason

    Yep, the girl in the scene is Castle’s daughter. One of the pleasures of the series is the chemistry and interplay between these two. And yes, the “five years ago” was referring to Serenity.