Memo to the Pretty Young Thing on My Morning Train

Dear PYT:

While I don’t claim to be any kind of great sage, I have acquired a certain amount of wisdom in my four decades of life on this planet, and, in particular, in this valley. So believe me when I say that you would be much more comfortable during the frosty mornings of the final week of October if you were wearing a coat. I know it’s crucial that everyone on the train know that you buy your t-shirts at American Eagle, and of course you want to show off how this snug-fitting shirt cradles your toned and lean body, but when you’re hunched over and clutching your forearms in a vain effort to stay warm, we’re really not seeing your bodaciousness anyhow. And another thing… flip-flops? Really? Do you have any idea what a bunion is? Or a fallen arch? Because these decidedly non-bodacious defects are in your future if you continue wearing those stupid things everywhere you go. That’s assuming, of course, that you don’t end up with frostbite for being dumb enough to shuffle around in 37-degree weather with exposed toes.

I know, I know… I sound like your father. And we all know how totally uncool that is. But really… I lecture because I care.
Seriously, I think you’d really like this coat thing. Or even a sweatshirt. I’ll bet American Eagle carries sweatshirts. Go get yourself one and see if your day doesn’t improve about a million-fold…

A concerned old curmudgeon


2 comments on “Memo to the Pretty Young Thing on My Morning Train

  1. Steph

    Wait…was Ash Lee on the train today???

  2. jason

    Heh – I hope I’d recognize her! Granted, it’s been a while, but still…
    No, this was just some random college kid going to the U, I think. Poor thing was turning blue…