And Now, With Their Number-One Hit…

In one of those weird moments of Internet synchronicity, I spotted the following video over on Boing Boing just as I was finishing up the previous entry. Actually, it’s just audio without any more video than what you’re seeing right now, but whatever. The song is a “I’m a Boinger” by Billy and the Boingers, a fictional rock band that Berke Breathed cooked up for Bloom County in response to the Congressional hearings on sex in popular music that took place in the mid-80s. It and another song — “U Stink But I ♥ U” — were released on one of those floppy record thingies that used to come in magazines sometimes back in the pre-digital days, those square “discs” that you usually had to put a penny on to make them play properly. The Boingers disc was bound into the Bloom County collection Billy and the Boingers Bootleg… and yes, if you’re wondering, I still have my copy of both the book and the record down the Bennion Archives (i.e., my basement). This version is much more accessible, though; my thanks to whoever digitized this:

I haven’t heard that in probably 20 years. And you know… for a gag record that came as a free insert with a book of cartoons, it’s actually a pretty good song…


2 comments on “And Now, With Their Number-One Hit…

  1. Derek Smith

    Wow…I’m amazed that I remember every word of this! I must have listened ad nauseum in the eighties. Thanks for the flashback.

  2. jason

    Any time, Derek… that’s what we’re all about here!