Too Busy to Blog, But Never Too Busy to Rock!

Well, I’m still at the office at 6:44 PM, looking at another late night following a really hectic day. Yay me. Long-time readers know how much it irritates me on those occasions when my job precludes me from having any time in the evenings to, you know, live. But long-time readers probably also don’t want to have to read yet another boring whine about how much I hate something. So instead, how about if I just share a photo with y’all? Behold:

P1000385, originally uploaded by jackskitchen.


Yes, that’s right, kids. That’s my balding — but, I hasten to add, not yet completely bald! — head in the general vicinity of Rick Springfield! This was taken by my buddy Jack at a concert about ten days ago; he and his wife accompanied The Girlfriend and myself to the show and an overnight stay in Salt Lake’s favorite cultural relief valve, Wendover, Nevada.
And now, thanks to the wonders of the Internets and its peachy-keen user-generated content, here’s a video clip from that very same concert. This is the big climax of the show. Sing along, kids, you know the words…

Forced good humor aside, it is slightly amazing that that I can so easily find and view a reasonably good-quality amateur video of a concert I attended less than two weeks ago, and for free, too. If you’d told me way back in 1981 that we would one day be able to relive these sorts of events in this fashion, and while I’m still relatively young, I would’ve figured you’d been reading too much Arthur C. Clarke.

Sigh. I wonder what else I’ll be able to find on the tubes before that project I’m waiting on finally makes its way back to my desk…


2 comments on “Too Busy to Blog, But Never Too Busy to Rock!

  1. Cranky Robert

    Does he stick his hands down his pants about a minute into the video?

  2. jason

    He mimes doing so, yes, on the line “I feel so dirty when they start talkin’ cute.”
    Rick gets fairly naughty when he’s playing these over-21 casino shows…