You Know You’re in Utah…

This is probably funny (or sad, take your pick) only to residents of my fair state (or at least to people who know it well), but I can’t resist passing it along anyway. From Paul Rolly’s column today in the Salt Lake Tribune, a Jeff Foxworthy-style reader comment in response to something Rolly wrote a couple days ago:

You know you’re in Utah when ยป The lead-footed set the speed limits, teetotalers are in charge of alcoholic beverage control, planning and zoning is handed over to the developers, the descendants of polygamists campaign to restrict marriage to one man and one woman, and you’re told if you don’t like it you can just leave.

Too true, too true.

That last one is especially irksome to those of us who were born and raised here, who love the landscape and climate and history of this place, and who have roots here every bit as deep as any Church authority, but who don’t happen to share the prevailing cultural and political mindset of this place. Uh, no, I’m not going anywhere, this is my home, too. How about YOU learn to play nice with others?

Not that I’m bitter or anything.
